Chapter 9

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I admit that since Barry came back from Speed ​​Force, something was different between us. The truth is that I got used to living without him ... I know he joined the Speed ​​Force to save Central City and all its inhabitants and I couldn't be more proud of him, but a small part of me didn't believe that he would come back.

The days turned into weeks and the weeks into months and he never returned. With each passing day, the hopes I had for him to return to my arms were less and less. Cisco always had different ideas to bring him back, but I didn't believe that any of them would work, so I never supported him in realizing those same ideas.

The day that Cisco arrived at STAR Labs in Caitlin's company and told me that his idea had not worked, in my head I just had the feeling of confirmation ... But when Cecile called to say they had found him, it was like something opened up inside my heart and I was so happy to finally be able to hug my Barry Allen.

However, when we entered the room and he saw us, it was like a bucket of cold water had fallen over me. That feeling was not because of seeing him in that figure, but because the only person who made him smile was her and not me. When he looked at her, he looked so happy, but when he saw me, it was as if his joy was gone and it hurt me so much.

Since that day I have seen the interactions between the two of them and let me tell you that I have not liked what I see at all. I am aware that they are friends, in fact best friends, but they don't need to behave like that with each other. The smiles, the looks, the conversations are the things that I notice the most and every day I think there is something between them that nobody knows.

It is also true that I have treated Caitlin badly, but it is that in the first place I did not find it right the way she came back into the lab. Okay, she always worked here, but damn she left us for six months without showing any signs of life and thinks she can appear like this out of nowhere without giving explanations. Of course, my dear fiancé had to defend her ... Then I see the interactions between them and I see a huge chemistry and that makes me very jealous.

The last straw was our discussion a little while ago, I mean she gets into a subject that does not concern her and I am the bad guy ?! What the hell! And the worst thing is that my fiance decided to take her side instead of my side. He should have come to see how I was doing and instead he went to see her, don't you think that is suspicious ?!

After the argument and Barry's departure, my father came to me and even gave me a lecture because I spoke to her that way ... Sometime later Barry came to me. I still thought that he had won judgment and came to apologize for his attitude a little while ago, but he come looking upset.

- If you came to apologize, you don't need to spend your Latin, I forgave you.

- But what excuses?! I want you to explain to me what the hell you have against Caitlin. Have you noticed the way you've been treating her lately?

- Seriously? Have you come to ask me for explanations? She can't come alone? Are you her bodyguard? 

- Seriously, I don't recognize you anymore, Iris. What did she do to you to treat her this way? To my knowledge, she never did you any harm.

- I already realized what this is all about ... You guys are lovers, right ?!

- Excuse me?! Are you implying that I'm cheating on you with Caitlin?

- Obviously, that's why you defend her so much.

- But what conversation is this now? Of course, I'm not cheating on you, let alone Caitlin. We are just friends, in fact best friends.

- So if you're not lovers, why do you always defend her?

"Because she is innocent," he said, raising his voice slightly.

- Of course, she is always right  and I am the bad guy.

- In this case you are being. Iris, I came here just to understand why you treat her the way you are treating her, because I want a positive work environment, but you accused me of cheating on you! You, better than anyone, should know that I would never be able to do it, especially you, that you were the only girl I really liked.

- Well but unfortunately I still think that something is going on between you two.

- So I just see a solution ... I think it is best to give us time to think about ourselves, what we feel and what our future will be.

- Yes, I think it's really the best to do ...- I said leaving Barry's edge.

- Iris ...- said Barry and I turned to him again.- I think you should accept the position in the newspaper.

Maybe I am completely wrong in what I think and what I feel, but right now nothing gets out of my head that those two have something more than a simple friendship. Although it costs me, I have to admit that the best thing was to give it time, because we both need to analyze our future.

As for the job at the newspaper, I will take Barry's advice and I will accept. In fact, being a journalist has always been my dream and now I can finally fulfill it. And being away from the lab for a while will do me good. I took the opportunity before Barry got home, to pack my most essential things, to take them to my father's house.

When I got there and he saw me at his door with his bags, he calculated that something negative had happened and after I told him about our discussion, he understood why me and Barry decide that.


This discussion made me sad and a little upset that my girlfriend / fiance thought I was cheating on her with Caitlin. I mean, she more than anyone should know me better and know that I would never do that to a person.

Honestly, I didn't want to be away from her, because I love her, but right now it's the right thing to do. After our discussion and as I didn't feel like seeing anyone else today, I sent a message to Cisco saying that I was leaving early. He still asked me if everything was fine, but I told him that tomorrow we would talk about it and that today I just wanted to go home.

When I got there, I noticed that Iris's things were no longer here and that just meant she wouldn't be back. I ended up deciding to take a quick shower and sit on the couch watching TV. Suddenly my doorbell rang and I was surprised when I saw the person, or rather the people, who were on the other side of my door.

"We brought food, drinks and some movies to see," said Caitlin, entering my house and putting the bags down on the kitchen table.

- We have everything a person that is sad needs, we have gums, popcorn, chips, two large cokes and most importantly we have two ice creams, one vanilla and the other chocolate.

- Oh and for dinner we brought tacos from Jitters, - said Caitlin this time.

- There was no need to bother.

- Of course it was. If one of us is down, the others will cheer him up, "said Cisco." I will put the food on plates while you set the table.

"How did you know I needed this?" I asked Caitlin, as we set the table.

- Cisco suspected that things with Iris had not gone well there and called me ...

- I'm glad you came, thank you.

"So that's what friends do," said Caitlin.

With the table set and the food on top, we sat down and had dinner. The tacos were delicious, as always. After dinner, Caitlin offered to take care of the dishes while Cisco and I chose the film.

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