Chapter 30

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Two years later...


These past two years have been the best of my life. Every day I wake up and fall asleep next to the person I love and there is nothing better than that. We have lived in the same house for six months and although we had our complications at the beginning, now we are used to each other's presence.

But the good news is not just about us ... Our friend Cisco is getting married in two months with his beautiful girlfriend. I never thought in my life to say this, but it is the truth! I couldn't be happier for him ... He was always a brilliant friend to me, he always helped me with everything I needed ... He deserves to be happy!

In the West family things are also going very well, Joe discovered six months ago that he was going to be a father and is happier than ever. Iris does not yet have a new boyfriend, however her career is more launched than ever. She is now considered one of the best journalists in Central City. The youngest member of the West family, Wally is sharing an apartment with his girlfriend and is in his final year of college.

In the Flash team, things go as usual. We all get along beautifully and the missions are all successful. We were so successful that about three months ago we had to increase the area of ​​the metahuman prison.

Today was going to be a day like all the others, the only difference being that I had woken up extremely badly. I'm not sure why I was like this, but every twenty minutes I always had to go throw up. I was like this all morning, until at lunch I decided to go to the pharmacy to get some medicine that would help to relieve the bad mood.

Contrary to what I thought, there were a lot of people inside so I immediately put myself in line. I was in line at the pharmacy and I was really in a bad mood and the lady in front of me noticed and said she was saving my place in line so I could go to the bathroom to throw up.

"Are you all right, dear?" Asked the same lady after I came back from the bathroom.

- I'm not sure. I woke up very unwell and I'm not sure why yet.

- Funny, I also woke up like this when I was pregnant with my daughter.- said the lady, turning to the front because it was her turn to be attended.

What she said, left me thinking and after a few seconds, I suspected that my problem was the same, so when my turn came I asked for two pregnancy tests. With the tests in hand, I went back to the ladies' room and did the tests. In the box it said it took about three to five minutes to find out the results, so while I waited for the answer, I read the information paper.

The five minutes passed and the results of the two tests had proven my suspicions. It was official, I was really pregnant. I left the bathroom and the pharmacy and headed towards the park to clear my head a little and assimilate the news until I saw a message from Barry asking where I was.

I sent him a message for him to come to the park with me because we had to talk seriously and I went to the edge of the river, which for me was the most beautiful part of the park. Ten minutes later he was beside me, very worried. In the first few seconds I didn't say a word to him because I was still trying to see how this conversation would start.

- Cai I'm really worried. What's up, my love?

- I already know the reason for my bad mood.

- Seriously? And then? It is severe? Do you need me to go to the doctor with you?

- It is not necessary. Barry, I'm pregnant!

"What?" Asked Barry incredulously.

- Yes, you are going to be a father.

- You are sure?

- Yes, I did two tests and both were positive.

- I am incredulous ...- he said sitting on one of the benches that were free.

"Are you sad about the news?" I asked, sitting down beside him.

- Why should I be sad? It is the best news that anyone could give me. Caitlin, we're going to be a family! - he said hugging me.


I wasn't expecting that news ... I can't believe that in nine months I will have a child in my arms. I was so happy that I couldn't even get my smile off my lips.

- Are you really happy for the news? Or do you just tell me that to make me happy?

- You are kidding? Of course, I'm happy. Cait, I'm going to have a child with the person I love most in life. Nothing could be better than that! How are you?

- Radiant, incredulous, scared ... I always wanted to start a family, I just didn't know it would be so soon.

- And your other half?

- She is already choosing names for the baby.- she replied laughing.

- Do you think the child will have powers?

- It's possible, because we both have them, but it's still too early to know.

- Can I tell you something? The child hasn't even been born yet and I'm completely in love with her, " I said, putting my hand on his belly while Caitlin just smiled.

- What about our friends? Do you want to tell them now or do you want to wait a few months?

- Definitely now! - I exclaimed and we went to STAR Labs.

- We were seeing that they didn't show up, - said Cisco when we entered the control room. - We were talking and we were planning on going to a bar to have a drink.

- It seems like a great idea. But I can't drink alcohol, "Caitlin said, sitting down at her desk.

- You can not? But why? - asked Cisco and a few seconds later he let out a little scream. - Are we going to have a little Snowbarry running in these corridors?

There was not even an answer needed as only our smiles were enough for our friends. In a matter of seconds, they were all hugging Caitlin.

- Hey, hey watch out for the child.

I sent Joe a message saying that I had news to tell him and since I wasn't going to the CCPD today, I arranged to go with Caitlin to dinner at home and so I told him and Iris at the same time.

The afternoon started to run and the time had come for us to leave. We went home to change clothes and then we went to Joe's. As Caitlin was pregnant, I thought it best not to use my super speed to get there faster, so we went in her car.

We knocked on the door and the one who came to open it was Wally who just smiled and let us in. Iris had not yet arrived from the newspaper, but had warned Joe that she was coming home. I told Caitlin to sit on the couch while I went to the kitchen to help Joe make dinner. When I went to the living room to see how Caitlin was doing, I saw that she was with Cecile and they were talking about her pregnancy, so I went back to the kitchen so that the two could talk more freely.

- All come to the table. Caitlin, I made a fantastic shrimp pasta, which I think you'll love.- said Joe putting the pot on the table and we all sat down in one of the chairs that were at the table.

Dinner was going very well and the food was delicious as always. After dessert, we were all in the living room watching TV and socializing.

"After all, what news did you have to tell us?" Asked Cecile, smiling. "We are all curious."

"Do you want me to say or do you want to say you?" I asked Caitlin, but she said she was indifferent.

- Well, the news is that ... I'm pregnant!

- Oh my god, Caitlin but that's great news, - said Iris smiling and went to hug her.

- Your baby will be so beautiful.- said Cecile and we just laughed at your comment.

Honestly this day couldn't get any better. I was already overjoyed to have the woman I love by my side, but knowing that I was going to have a son or daughter with her was a completely new feeling and I couldn't be happier.

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