Chapter 25

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The last thing I remember before I fell asleep was seeing Caitlin on the floor and the first thing I see badly is the worn walls of this house, or rather, it looks more like a cabin. I still tried to use my powers, but it wasn't working.

- Sleeping Beauty, finally woke up.- said a person in front of me.- You don't know who I am anymore? Honestly, Flash.

- Heat Wave.- I said, clenching my wrists.

- In a flesh. My friend and I have old accounts to settle with you, Flash.- he said and Captain Cold appeared beside him.

- How's she doing? What did you do to her?

- Oh how beautiful! Our Flash is concerned about his dear Snow ... She is fine, we just brought you here, if that's what you want to know.- replied Captain Cold.

- And what do you want from me?

- It is not obvious? We want to put an end to the Central City superhero, "said Cold, throwing me an ice storm.

Since I couldn't use my powers, I couldn't get warm. With every second that passed I felt colder inside me and reached a point that I just blacked out.


I'm not sure how I fell asleep, but I do know that I woke up with Wally beside me, kneeling. I looked around and after my eyes got used to the natural light, I saw that I was in the parking lot.

- It's all right? You were lying on the cement.- said Wally but I could only think of one thing.

- Where's Barry?

- I don't know, I just arrived and I saw you lying on the floor, so I came to see if everything was okay, but Barry is not here.

Something was not right, so with the help of Wally I went back into STAR Labs and Cisco when he saw me was very confused, but after explaining what had happened, he went to see the surveillance cameras on the street in front of ours building.

- I already knew what happened, you're fine Caitlin?- said Joe arriving at the room where we were.

- More or less, I'm tired and sore from the fall, but the important thing is to find Barry and whoever did this to us.- I said looking at the giant screen.

When the camera showed us the person, or rather the people who had left the car park with Barry, I couldn't believe what I saw. Cisco looked in other cameras for signs of them, but unfortunately there was nothing and in the next few seconds, we were able to see where they had been and we deduced that they would not be far from there.

"There is an abandoned cabin near that location," said Harry after consulting my computer.

- I'm going there.- I said wearing my suit and when I was about to leave the lab, Cisco takes my wrist.- Cisco, you know I have to go and save him.

- I know, but you can't go alone, Ralf and Wally are going with you.

- We can't waste any more time, they will be there later, - I said leaving the laboratory in the direction of the cabin.

I arrived at the cabin where they could be and as the door was open, I was able to see well inside. I noticed that Cold launched a small ice storm at Barry, but that for some reason Barry could not get warm.

- In a few minutes, the city of Central City will lose its precious super hero, - said Cold.

- I wouldn't be sure of that.- I said entering and I noticed that they were very surprised to see me there.- You shouldn't have left me in the parking lot like that ... it just made me angry.

- Do you think you can defeat us with ice? My dear, I have an ice gun with me and he has a fire gun. - Cold said smiling.

- Do you really think I'm afraid of your little toys? Oh my dear, you really don't know me at all.- I said, getting closer and closer to them.

The fight between the three of us started and I must say that although they seemed surprised by my blows, they also made a good fight, but after a few minutes I managed to break the firearm and then only Cold's was missing. managed to have an effect on me.

"We're here," said Ralf, who joined me, along with Wally.

- Good, put the handcuffs on them and you can take them to the CCPD. Without weapons, they are nothing more than ordinary criminals who think they are the greatest in the world.

Although I was busy fighting those two guys, I noticed that Barry was not back to normal so I went running to him.

- Barry, star vibrating.- I said in his ear, but it didn't seem to help.

"What does he have?" Asked Wally, watching the scene.

- Take off the handcuffs. With them, he cannot use his powers.

"Where are the keys?" Ralf asked Cold, but he just smiled at him.

"He asked where the keys were," I said, approaching them.

- Why should we say where they are? For us, your friend can die here and now.- replied Heat Wave.

- I don't have the patience for this.- I said, forming an ice "knife" in my hands and stuck it in Cold's leg, starting to bleed. - The next one doesn't go to the leg! Where's the key to the handcuffs?

He pointed to his coat and on the inside was a small pocket, where the keys were. Wally used them to free Barry but still, he didn't seem to react. I asked Ralf to take the two of them to the CCPD, which Joe then took care of, while Wally took me and Barry to STAR Labs.

- He's not responding. What's going on? "I asked, laying him on the bed that was free.

"From what I understand, he can't use his powers, he was barely hit with the ice," said Harry, looking at me.

"And what do we do to help?" I asked a little desperately, already as Caitlin and not as Killer Frost.

- We need heat.- said Cisco, coming to our bank with his fire engine. He fired only with minimal punctuation for Barry, so Barry could do the rest with his vibration.

- Please, star vibrating, Barry ... Please .- said praying that he would react and seconds later it happened.

"Where am I?" He asked after waking up.

- Calm down Barry, you're safe, - I said putting my hand on his arm, but after understanding that he was back at STAR Labs, he groaned in pain.

He told me that his right shoulder hurt, so I lifted his shirt and that's when I saw a piece of wood inside the wound, which made him unable to regenerate. Cisco handed me tweezers and some alcohol.

- This will hurt a little, but you know that anesthesia doesn't work for you.

- I know, Cait.- he said taking the cloth I gave him and bit it while I took the piece of wood from the wound.

After taking the piece of wood from him and regenerating his skin, I let him rest for a while and went, together with the staff, to the control room. Ten minutes later he appeared on our side, as if nothing had happened.

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