Chapter 3

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3rd Person POV:

The two both work on a Quark Sphere-based on Barry's DNA to trick the Speed ​​Force into believing that he was still there. The next day they attempt to use the Speed ​​Force bazooka to free Barry, but the system seemingly fails.


I don't believe we failed, but we can't give up. Caitlin and I went back to the lab to see how we could improve the machine and try to bring Barry home again. When we got to the lab, we told Joe, Iris and Wally what we had tried to do this morning but Iris didn't seem to be very satisfied with what she just heard.

- I can't believe you did this behind my back.

- You were going to try to stop us.

- Because it's a waste of time.

- I do not understand, it should have worked.- I said consulting my computer.

- Or you could have killed us all.

- I don't know Iris, I think we were very close.- said Caitlin.

- Sorry, us? Where have you been in the last six months?

"She's just trying to help us," said Joe this time.

- Look guys, we have to focus on stopping him before he destroys Central City, not Barry.

- Listen, what's your problem? It's like you don't want him back.

- Calm down, - said Joe and suddenly his cell phone rang. - Cecile, do you think I can call you in a little while, we are in the middle of a situation here ... What? Where? Let's go there.

"What's going on, Dad?" Asked Wally.

- We have to go.- said Joe and we went to the place where Cecile was and when we got there she explained that they had found Barry wandering on a road.

- It worked ... I really knew it was going to work.

"Yes, but get ready," she said as she opened the door to a room.

Inside was Barry sitting on the floor in front of a white board. Around the room, we noticed that the walls were written several different signs. When he realized that people had entered the room, Barry looked back and the first person he noticed was Cailtin, showing her a smile.

- Barry ...- sighed Iris, but it didn't seem like a sigh of relief ...

Barry looked confused after watching the rest of the people in the room. He just said things that didn't make sense ... Caitlin told us it was better to take him to the laboratory and went to his side to administer a liquid that made him fall asleep in Joe's arms.

Already in the laboratory and after the exams and analyzes that Caitli did, she said he was healthy. Caitlin said it had two theories, one of which was easy to translate, if we had the right algorithm, but the second was already more complicated. She explained that for us he was only six months away, but that for him it could have been more than ten thousand years and all that time alone could have caused dementia.

We made huge attempts to bring him back to his normal state, but unfortunately none of them worked, until Iris voluntarily went into the Samurai's clutches. Apparently seeing that the woman that he loved was in danger, it seems that he woke him from the "trance" and after defeating him and bringing his mask to the lab, we knew we had old Barry Allen back.

Cailtin insisted on doing some tests to confirm that everything was really fine with him and luckily everything was in order, in fact his health was perfect. He told us that he does not remember the time he spent in Speed ​​Force and even thanked me for bringing him back.

"It's good to have you back," Barry said to Cailtin, smiling.

- Equally!

"How do you feel?" Asked Joe this time.

- Better, in fact, I feel very good ... It's like I was reborn.

We were all really delighted to have them back together, except for Iris, who  he noticed that something was wrong with her. She seemed distant and not interested in our conversation, but maybe it's just the thrill of having her fiance back home. I took advantage of the fact that Barry is talking to Joe, so I can go talk to Caitlin a little.

"Are you really going back to the lab?" I asked, sitting down on the stairs next to her.

- Yes, this day just made me realize how much I miss this ... this laboratory and all of you. So if you really want me back, I stay.

- Of course we want you to come back, STAR Labs is not the same without you.

- I just have to go back to the bar and announce that I'm not going back.

Finally, everything was returning to the place it belongs to. We already had Barry and Caitlin back and things could only get better going forward.

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