Chapter 19

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This morning when I woke up I never thought today would be as busy as it really was. I mean, first there was the nuclear bomb, which almost killed all the inhabitants of this city, but thank goodness that the idea of ​​Cisco worked and now I am being held hostage in a cafe and on top of that, one of the people who is with me is Iris, who by the way she looks at me, she still hates me very much.

After lunch, we went back to STAR Labs and as things seemed calmer until mid-afternoon, I decided it was my turn to pick up the coffees for our snack. Usually I will always pick them up from Jitters, but today I decided to vary and went to a cafe that also had a bookstore in there.

Everything was going really well when two armed people suddenly entered. Of course, I didn't waste any time and I immediately became Killer Frost to control the situation, but it wasn't going to be as easy as I was thinking, because after shooting some "bullets" of ice, I ended up being shot in the right shoulder and I was handcuffed. But they weren't just any handcuffs ... No! These looked like the ones we used to apprehend metahumans as we took them to STAR Labs, meaning that these handcuffs were suppressing my meta powers and because of that I couldn't transform in Killer Frost again.

- Now, now... look who is she! Good to see you again, Frost.- said one of the men I recognized quickly.

- Norvok!

- It's me, Ice Queen! Did you miss me?

- Not by chance! But what the hell are you doing here? I never imagined you mug coffees. I thought you were a more classy criminal.

- Why I came here is not your concern.

After thinking for a while, I recognized the man who was with him, as I had seen him many times in the bar where I worked during those months when I was away from the laboratory.

- I never thought to meet you here, Frosty ... But since you're here I think I can combine the useful with the pleasant.

- Look, my father is a policeman and he must be showing up there, - said Iris, but Norvok just laughed.

- Do you think I'm afraid of your daddy? Oh girl, please!

A little while later the phone in the café rang and when Norvok's partner answered and a few seconds later he told Norvok that it was Detective Joe West on the line and that he had asked what we wanted. Norvok thought for a while and after a while was silent, he whispered something in the ear of the colleague who just looked at me and smiled.

- We want the Flash. He has fifteen minutes to show up here ... And to be convincing, tell him that his dear Frosty is here.- said Norvok's colleague and hung up the call.

- Now we just wait. In no time the real action will begin.

- Norvok ... Let people go, please.

"And why would you do that, princess?" Asked Norvok, kneeling down to keep up with me.

- You know they have nothing to do with this situation. They've suffered enough ... Please let them go and just stay with me.

- Hmm .... Okay. Call the detective and say we are going to release people except for these two, "he said to his colleague, pointing at me and Iris.

After people left still handcuffed but luckily without scratches, they closed the doors and while the colleague was watching the doors, windows and the phone, Norvok came to our side and sat across from us.

- Why is she here? Let her go ... She is also innocent.

- Maybe she is, but her daddy is the detective out there and besides that I have to have extra help to make sure you don't try anything heroic.

While we waited for Barry to appear, Iris continued to make noise and ask Norvok to release her. I understand the attitude she is having, because she is scared, but she is just making Norvok angry and that would not be good for us.

- If you don't shut up in the next few seconds, I'll stick a bullet in your head.

A few minutes later Barry's voice could be heard outside and that meant he had arrived, which seemed to make Norvok very happy. He stood up and peered through a crack in the curtain of one of the windows. He came to me again and got me up, leading me towards the main door.

- Flash good eyes see you. What you are going to do is, you are going to come in calmly and with your hands in the air ... If you don't, your dear Caitlin suffers.- he said, finding a knife around my neck.

With Barry inside the cafe, he threw me to the floor and the fight between the three of them started. Barry punched a few, but he also took a few on his face and abdomen. What Norvok and his colleague did not count on was the surprise of the Flash team, which was no less than Ralf. Unfortunately for the citizens of Central City, only Norvok's colleague was captured.

Joe and some policemen entered the cafe and after one of the policemen took Norvok's companion to the police car, Barry came to me and took off the handcuffs, while Joe went to the side of his daughter, removing the handcuffs. .

- Are you okay? What did he do to you? 

- I was shot in the shoulder ...- I replied and he took me in his lap and took me to STAR Labs.

There, Cisco came to help me get the bullet out. With the bullet extracted, Killer Frost's powers helped to close the wound and the recovery was faster than what would be normal for a human.

- I think you better give today as finished, - said Ralf smiling.

- I think that you are right.- I said, getting up from the bed.

- Wait ... You stay at my house today.- Barry said grabbing my wrist, making me turn completely towards him.

- But why? I'm already fine and I'm not in danger of life. And if I was, I could defend myself ... I have great help inside me.

" Let them come ... This time I freeze those assholes, that they will think twice before they have the same idea. " -KF.

- I know, but this way I get more rested.

- I don't think it's necessary, but it's fine. I just need to go through my house to get some things.

I went to get my things from my secretary and we left the lab leaving only Cisco and Ralf in there. I got home and went to my room and put a change of clothes, my pajamas and some hygiene products in a backpack and went back to the edge of Barry who was sitting on my couch.

We arrived at his house and put my things in the guest room and joined him in the living room, where we were watching TV until it was time to make dinner. After dinner, Barry and I went to the porch for some fresh air and noticed that there was concern on his face.

- What is up? Don't tell me you're still worried about me? Barry I'm fine, I told you that.

- I know you are ... But I'm a little worried about Iris. I know we broke up and haven't spoken in a long time, but ...

- Hey, you don't need to explain anything to me ... Why don't you go over to Joe's house to see how she's doing?

- Not a bad idea .... Are you coming with me?

- If you don't mind, I'll stay here. It's better this way! She doesn't like me much, so if I show up there with you, I can still make things worse between you.

- I won't leave you here alone.

- Don't be silly. You are already very lucky that I came to your house ... You will go now to your room to get a coat and go to Joe's house to see how your ex-girlfriend is doing.

"What about you?" He asked, a little worried.

- It was a very busy day for me and I think I need to sleep.

- Okay, but I'll lock everything up and if something happens, you'll call me soon ... Even if it's just a noise.

- Don't worry, I have great protection.

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