Chapter 31

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Five years later...


Five years have passed since the day Caitlin told me that we were going to be parents for the first time and today I can happily announce that we have a beautiful boy almost five years old, named Henry Snow-Allen. And soon we will have two more children in our family, because nine months ago Caitlin surprised me with the news that she was pregnant again and this time it was twins.

With the rest of the team, things are also much better than they were five years ago. Cisco has a beautiful girl named Rebecca. Seeing Cisco's first few weeks as a recent parent was honestly a lot of fun. He almost couldn't even open his eyes and was always tired, but it was all worth it. Joe and Cecile's son is already big and very naughty. Iris married, neither more nor less than Justin, Caitlin's ex-boyfriend. I still haven't been able to understand the story very well, but it seems that she made a news that involved the company he works for and since then the two have approached.

Ralf got a girlfriend and they already live in the same house. I was very surprised by the news of his relationship, but thankfully he found a person who adores him. Wally is engaged to his college girlfriend and is happier than ever. He still works at STAR Labs on a part-time basis, but got a job at a company that takes care of the environment, which is fantastic.

Harry unfortunately had to leave us, as he wanted to focus on his family. The farewell was sad, but we knew that we would see him many times, as he came to visit us and we went to his dimension from time to time, to visit him and today he is married and adopted two boys.

As you can see the Flash team is all happy and lucky when it comes to love life. We're not too bad at the professional either. Joe managed to get to the position of chief and today he runs the CCPD in Central City. Ralf managed to get his job back at the CCPD, being the detective with the most arrests. I left my position as CSI and started working full time in STAR labs together with my girlfriend and my best friend.

Sometimes I still miss being at the CCPD, but as sometimes I still help the CSI there who was replaced, I can easily miss it. I already know what you are thinking ... So and Henry was born with powers? For the answer to that question is we still don't know. I mean the possibility that this is real is almost 95% but to this day, his powers have not yet manifested, which is not bad at all as this way he can enjoy a normal life, without having to worry about control of his powers.

Right now we're all at STAR Labs just hanging out, as we haven't had any metahuman attacks in the past few days. Caitlin is exhausted all day, as she has two children in her belly but even after I begged her to stay home and rest, she still came to STAR Labs. And the wishes this time were even worse and stranger than the first time ...

"But are you going to get it or not?" Asked Caitlin.

- But to get it I have to go to the supermarket further away.

- AND? You have the notion that you have super speed right? It would only take a few minutes.

- Okay, fine. - I said, taking my wallet and left the laboratory towards the supermarket.

I was halfway there when I had to stop because my cell phone was ringing and I saw that it was Cisco calling me and that could only mean two things: either he wanted something from the supermarket or something bad had happened.

- Barry, you have to get back urgently.

"But what happened?" I asked, worried.

- They took Caitlin.

Those four words were enough to drop the phone and run to STAR Labs. When I got there I saw that the lab was upside down and with no sign of Caitlin.

- Explain to me what happened?

- I was in the weapons room, when I heard an argument and when I came to see, I saw two men standing next to Caitlin with two very strange weapons. I still tried to go back to get something to help us, but they fired at me and when I got up I saw that they had taken Cait with them.

As I put on my disguise, Cisco watched the surveillance cameras to see if there were any signs of them and where they might have taken Caitlin. After a few minutes, Cisco told me there was something strange about downtown Central City so I left STAR Labs for that location.

Along the way I called reinforcements, because due to the pregnancy, Caitlin cannot transform into Killer Frost, being more difficult for her to defend herself. When I got there I saw Caitlin with a giant stick in her hand and the men were tied to a post. I was never so happy that she was fine.

- A little more I would walk to the laboratory.-  she said putting the stick on the floor and I went to hug her.

- I was so afraid of losing you.

- I know, but it's okay. I managed to neutralize the situation alone.- said Caitlin looking at the two men.

"We're here," said Ralf, who came with Wally. "But I see we didn't even have to come."

- I already called Joe and he must be arriving to take them to the CCPD and the weapons are going with us to STAR Labs, where they stay safe.

- Ah, Barry? I think we have to go.

- Go? Why?

- Barry I think my waters have burst.

I went quickly to the edge of her and I was ready to pick her up and take her to the hospital but then I remembered that we cannot use my speed due to pregnancy.

- We have to wait for Joe to come to use his car.

- Barry ... GET ME A STUPID CAR !!

- My love, you have to be calm, Joe must be showing up.

- CALM?! I AM MINUTES FROM HAVING YOUR CHILDREN AND YOU ASK ME TO BE CALM? Listen to what I am going to tell you, if in the next ten seconds you will not get a car to take me to the hospital, I will lie down on the ground and our children will be born here, do you understand?

"Even at the right time," said Ralf, pointing to Joe who had just arrived.

- Joe I need your help, - I said, going to his side. - Caitlin is in labor.

- Don't say anything else, come in and I'll take you to the hospital.

- And these two? What do we do with them? "Asked Ralf.

- Stay here with them, I'll take them and come back to pick them up.- said Joe.

- Oh for God's sake, Wally can use his super speed and take them to the entrance of the CCPD and you work there ... So take them to the cells. Is it really that difficult? "Asked Caitlin.

Three hours later we already had our babies on our lap. We decided to call them Dawn, for the girl and Tom, the boy. Cisco picked up our eldest son from school and at the moment we were all four in the same room at the hospital.

Finally my life was complete: I had the wife of my life and my three children. The next step was to ask Caitlin to marry me, but neither she nor I was in too much of a hurry for this step, because for us it was as if we were already married, it is not a simple paper that will change that.

And to think that my life took this course after I joined the Speed ​​Force ... Without it, I might not be where I am today e I could'nt be more happy right now!!

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