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We were laying under the covers. Mattia was asleep as i rested my head on my chest. A couple mins later i had fallen asleep.

Next morning
I had woken up and noticed mattia was gone. I seen through the window that he was in the pool. I changed into a grey swuim suit and got a call from kairi.
Y/n- hi kai, whats up
Kairi- alondra woke up. Everything's fine
Y/n- omg! Thats great
Kairi- tell mattia that he has to go to a meeting, at like 12
Y/n- okay ciao
He hung up and i walked out the door.
Y/n- morning mr.polibio
I said as i walked out to the back yard and seen him sitting by the shade.
Mattia- morning.,sorry i didnt wake you up
Y/n- no worries..you have a meeting at 12
Mattia- i thought it was just me and you-
Y/n- kairi called you got 18 mins
Mattia- shit, okay ill see you later
He said as he got up and walked in.
Y/n- sounds good
I said as i sat down by the pool. I heard the door close, i walked inside and he had left. I perpared myself a fruit salad and watched a bit of tv. I was kinda feeling myself so i put a hoodie over the swim suit and went to go get my nails done. On my way to the city i facetimed alondra.
Alondra- hey wya
Y/n- mattia brought me to bora bora
Alondra- how cute, so has anything happened between you guys-
Y/n- yes buh thats not the case. How you feeling
I said as tears started forming.
Alondra- i could feel better but recovering- hey dont cry
She said as a tear rolled down
Y/n- sorry it's just i didnt wanna lose you. Your like the last thing i have yk. Im just glad your okay. I've missed you
Alondra-  i've missed you too..so devin-
Y/n- i know what she did, she called me. And im not letting her get away with this-
Alondra- i dont think you should-
Y/n- bby i dont care, she could have killed you. She knew exactly what she was doing-
Alondra- i know i just dont want you getting killed. You know devin kills and gets away with anyone and anything.
Y/n- can we talk about this when i come back? Please i gtg i love you.
Alondra- yea, i love you too. Call me
I nodded and hung up. I arrived to the salon and entered. I had gotten a white set with diamonds.

After i got them done i headed back to the houe and walked to the back yard

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After i got them done i headed back to the houe and walked to the back yard. Mattia wasn't back yet so i laid in the chair, and tanned.

Mattia's pov
It was around 2pm when i arrived back to the house. I noticed y/n tanning in the back. I walked into the back yard and slapped her ass. She was looking good i mean she always does and has me going kinda nuts.
Y/n- what was that for
Mattia- because
Y/n- mmh
Mattia- see you got your nails done
Y/n- yes sir
Mattia- pretty
I said as i took off my shirt and changed into some shorts. I seen y/n looking.

Y/n's pov
His abs were just so- he got into the pool and swam back, he placed his arms on the cement and rested his chin on his arms.
Y/n- what😂.
Mattia- get in.
Y/n- no it's cold
With that he got out, his hair all wet and his body dripping with water hit different. He's making me go crazy even it he aint trying. He placed his arms around me.
Y/n- ah-matti- your cold
Mattia- it'll be fun
I rolled my eyes playfully and started laughing, he picked me up and started walking towards the pool.
Y/n- no mattia, please. Stop, I'll do anything😂.
And threw me in, i got up from the water and found him chuckling.
Y/n- i hate you
I said as i moved my hair from my face and splashed him with water
Mattia- we both know you dont
He said as he swam over and grabbed me. My legs around his waist and my hands around his neck. His hands were on my waist, we were looking at each other, he pulled my body closer till it touched his. It felt nice like really nice. His eyes were sparkling, i looked at his lips and god i wanted them on mine.

Mattia's pov
I pulled her in close and once our bodies touched we looked at each other. Her beautiful eyes sparkled everythime.

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