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We shopped for about a few hours until we were walking around the mall with bags all over our hands. We stopped at the food court and grabbed some crepes.
Y/n- so katie how are you enjoying your birthday
Katie- it's going very good.
Alondra-  we hope you like it
Katie- oh i will
Y/n- okay guys we should get going my hands hurt
Alondra- same
We finished eating our crepes and headed out the mall. We entered the car and katie drived this time. We got to the hotel and once we entered the room, their was balloons and champagne on the bed with chocolates.
Y/n & alondra - SURPRISE
Katie- wha? How
Alondra- while y/n was distracting you at gucci, i made a call and-
Katie- i hate you guys
Y/n- we love you too
I said as we hugged her. She pulled back and wiped her tear. She quickly ran and grabbed cups and opened the champagne.
Y/n- chilll
Katie- mm fineee just a lil
She said as she poured half the bottle. I drank a little and partied with them. It was like around 6pm and the sun was going down, so we decided to walk on the sand. The hotel was right infront of the beach so we went through the back door. We got to the beach and we were all kinda drunk buh not to much. Out shoes were in our hand and we were laughing as the water touched our feet.
Y/n- i cant believe were gonna spend two days like this
Katie- i know we gotta make the best of it
Alondra- aye guys, theirs a bar
I turned around and seen katie running. She made her way into the bar as me and alondra were still walking on the sand. We got to the bar and entered. As we entered the smell of alcohol hit my nose, it was strong and we seen katie talking to some guy. I just drank water cause im not allowed to drink now that im pregnant, alondra and katie were dancing together laughing which made me laugh when I noticed a guy walking toward me.
???- hey pretty lady. what are you doing all alone
Y/n- sorry buh im married-
Kevin- i see, names kevin salazar and you are
Y/n- y/n polibio
And he froze, looked like their was something he knew about me or mattia.
Kevin- um, can we talk somewhere else
Y/n- uh sure
I said as we both got up and walked out of the bar and sat on the sand.
Y/n- you good?
Kevin- yea, im sorry i hit on you earlier
Y/n- your good
Kevin- so uh- you know mariano and im guessing dev-
Y/n- dont mention her name, please
Kevin- oh so you do
Y/n- yes, long story. Is something wrong?
Kevin- yes. actually me and devin used to date. Me and mariano have known each other since birth-
Y/n- sorry buh what does that have to do with me?
Kevin- we stopped being friends in highschool..when he met jenna his girlfriend
Y/n- ex girlfriend
Kevin- oh..well I bumped into devin and him the other day in florida, and heard them talking about you and your husban-
Y/n- um- sorry hold on
I said as my phone rang, I answered and it was alondra.
Y/n- hey whats up
Alondra- katie went back to the hotel just letting you know
Y/n- okay, im outside the bar
Alondra- okay bye
She said as i hung up
Y/n- sorry what was the last part you were gonna say
Kevin- they have your location and same with your husbands. All you gotta know is that you needa watch out
Y/n- is their anything else-
Alondra- girly cmon we gotta go
She said as she came up to us and pulled me up
Me and kevin switched numbers and said goodbye to each other. Me and alondra were walking along the sand back to the hotel.
Alondra- oou, so tell me more about him
Y/n- he didn't say much other than devin and maria-
Alondra- did you hear that
Y/n-  no i didnt
I said with sarcasm in my voice.

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