P.2 (11)

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After karla falling asleep again, i ended up falling asleep as well.

Next morning
I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the sun beaming through the certains. I sat up and noticed mattia, karla and mateo still sleeping. I put my slids on and grabbed a hoodie.
Katie- morning
She said walking out her room
Y/n- hey how was your night
Katie- it was nice, coffee?
she said grabbing the coffee bags. i nodded and opened the fridge
Y/n- are alo and ale back
Katie- their still sleeping, along with everyone else im guessing
Y/n- yea, any plans for today?
I said as i cracked open the eggs on the pan
Katie- no but i heard the kevin and kairi talking about a yacht
Y/n- oo okay
i said as brandon and mateo came out the rooms
Y/n- good morning, what do y'all want for breakfast
i said as they sat down on the table
Brandon- pancakes pls
He said grabbing an apple, he looked at mateo and he nodded. We started cooking breakfast and waited for everyone else to join us.

After breakfast • 1pm
Kevin- me and the boys are gonna get the supplies and meet up at 3?
We nodded and watched as the boys left with brandon and mateo.
Alondra- finally some girl time
She said and alexa started pouting causing us to laugh
Katie- its great spending some time away from nj and the mafia
Y/n- your birthday's coming up
I said while me and katie gaveAlondra a smirk
Alondra- i dont want anything big. I just wanna be with my family
She said holding alexa
Katie- sometimes i wonder what would have happened if we never became mothers
She said causing us to look at the girls
Y/n- yea, Na i cant imagine that
i said looking back at them. We kept on talking and played music while we got everything ready.
I walked in the room with karla and dressed her. i did a light makeup, straightened my hair and wore a lose white dress with a hat.

Once i finished i walked out and sat on the couch with karla waiting for the girls

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Once i finished i walked out and sat on the couch with karla waiting for the girls.
Y/n- omg, what a cute baby
I said in a baby voice while playing with karla. I checked the time and it was now 2, the girls cane out and we walked out the resort and into the car. We drove about 35 mins and saw the boys loading stuff onto the yacht.
Kairi- their they are
Ale- you guys take forever
they said as they dat down
Katie- it's only 2:35
she said as the we all walked up the stairs. Mattia took karla from me as he sat down. Mateo and brandon were chasing each other as we were talking through out the hour.

Devin's pov
Nurse- dr. Sanders you cant be in here-
Devin- i just need to check my patients appointment
Nurse- their not your patients anymore
Devin- what do you mean?
i said as i reached into my pockets
Nurse- i was told this morning your fired, because of how many problems you've caused an-
devin- fine
i said walking to her. she patted my back but before i left the room i turned around and stapped my pocket knife into her
Nurse- nic-ole w-why
she said falling onto the ground, i squatted down and just looked at her suffer, feels good to be back.
Devin- sorry but it's actually devin
i said as i whispered into her ear, i got up and locked the door. I got onto the computer and searched up for y/n's name. Obviously she's not my patient buh her name could be here anywhere. I typed in y/n polibio and it was the top result.

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