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It was positive. I mean i want a baby and all buh i could be putting him/she and y/n in danger. Im a mafia leader and it's pretty dangerous, i walked back to y/n. She grabbed it out my hands and looked at it.

Y/n's pov
As i looked at it is said PREGNANT. I was really happy, a big smiled formed on my face, i looked at mattia and jumped on him, he was holding onto me, a few happy tears were running down my cheeks till i saw the look on his face.
Y/n- whats wrong
Mattia- nothing it's just-
Y/n-  you dont want it, huh
I said as my tears formed
Mattia- i do it's just that-
Y/n- na, it's okay i understand
Mattia- y/n..im so-
Y/n- dont worry about it
I said as i wiped my tears. He tried hugging me buh instead i backed up and walked out the room. As i closed the door i started breaking down, i kept crying as i was holding the test when someone was walking up the stairs. I quickly got up and wiped my tears i threw the test on the small trash can next to the steps. After i threw it i noticed kairi was the one walking.
Kairi- hey their you ar- you good
Y/n- im perfectly fine-
Kairi- y/n. You know you can tell me
Y/n- i know, buh i-uh-mm i gotta goo

Kairi's pov
Before i could say anything else she left. I sighed and kept walking till i saw something bright in the trash, i was confused. I picked it up and that's when I realized. I knocked on mattia's door and he opened it, he was crying too.
Kairi- can you explain why y/n was crying, and why the test was in the trash?
Mattia stayed quiet and broke down i gave him time to cry and then he walked out and spoke.
Mattia- i want the baby, i really do. Buh im a mafia leader. I could be putting her and the baby in danger, and i dont want that. For both of them.
Kairi- tell her
Mattia- i tried buh she left the room and now thinks i dont want the baby.
Kairi- we'll see how it goes buh just-idk
Mattia- just go, ill be here
I sighed, patted him in his back and got up. I walked out the room and walked outside. Y/n was in the front looking at the stars.

Y/n's pov
I thought he'd be happy. He's told me about having a family and i get- that? Im happy and if he doesn't want the baby then thats his loss cause im keeping the baby. I kept thinking about it when i noticed kairi walked out and sat next to me.
Kairi- hey
Y/n- h-hi
Kairi- so i talked to mattia-
Y/n- kairi he doesnt want the baby-
Kairi- he does.
Y/n- then why-
Kairi- he's scared because he doesn't want you and the baby to be in danger. Being a mafia leader is pretty DANGEROUS and hard. I stayed quiet and then looked at kairi.
Y/n- thank you, kai
Kairi- anytime, go talk to him
And i did, i got up and walked inside seeing him in the kitchen with a glass of water.
Mattia- y/n, im sorry
Y/n- it's okay
Mattia- i just dont want you and the baby to be in danger. I-i-
Y/n- mattia- kairi told me everything. We'll work through it okay. We wont be in danger-
Mattia- i love you and dont ever leave me
He said pulling me into a hug
Y/n- i wont and im keeping the baby
I pulled away and he smiled, he kissed my forehead and grabbed my hand as i sat down on a stool, he was looking down with his water in the other hand when i grabbed him by his chin and made him face me.
Y/n- i love you too polibio.
( @sumayaortiz 😏😏. Hope you like it💗.)

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