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Y/n's pov
As mattia and mariano were fighting, i ran for the door and opened it.
Y/n- baby? Mateo im here!
I yelled and he came out from a little corner. Right as he got to me he jumped on me making me fall to the ground while hugging him. He was crying and so was i.
Y/n- im here baby so is daddy, uncle kev and uncle ale
I said and opened the door. Kevin looked at me and ran to me.
Y/n- your gonna go with uncle kev
I said and mateo nodded. I watched as kevin got into the car with mateo.
Ale- y/n behind you!
He yelled as the security guards behind him pointing their guns. I turned around and seen cindy, she was pointing her gun straight at me
Y/n- put the gun down
Cindy- you know ceila and devin are my daughters, and they helped me with everything?
I looked down,  ceila? I thought when i looked up and cindy tackled me to the ground. We rolled off the porch and started fighting for the gun.

Mattia's pov
Mattia- son- of- a- bitch
I said as out lips and nose was bleeding. Mariano just chuckled, i got a couple secs to look and saw y/n and cindy fighting for the gun, when suddenly i heard a gun shot. I got up and mariano started running causing the securitys to go after him and tackle him. Y/n got up and ran to me, she hugged me and then looked at cindy. She was on the ground with blood spreading from her stomach. Ale was talking to the securities and saw when they put mariano in the car and drove away.
Cindy- you guys will- never-
She said as he started losing her breath and her head fell to the side. I walked to her and put my fingers on her neck, and their was no pulse.
Mattia- she's dead
I said and y/n in relief. Ale ran to the car and grabbed the first aid kit and handed it to me once me and mattia got in the car.
Mateo- daddy!
He said and hugged mattia. Mattia rested his head on mateos and hugged him tight.
Kevin- mariano hit em
He said lifting mateo's shirt and seeing a bruise along with a redish cheek
Y/n- my baby
She said as she sighed and grabbed him. She carried him like when he was a baby and runbed his cheeks.
Y/n- he wont hurt you anymore, he's gone
She said and mateo played with her hair as he was looking straight at her. I placed my arm on his legs and kevin started driving.

Back at the house y/n's pov
It was going to be around 1-2 am once we arrived. Everyone was informed so we got off the car and walked inside. Everyone looked at us and ran to mateo hugging him. Mattia's mom hugged mattia really tight, then me, and then mateo. As everyone was in the living room, i took mattia's hand and took him to the kitchen and cleaned his face. Once mattia's face was clean we sat down and had mateo in our arms. Everyone was relived and tired so we headed to our rooms. Mateo was a bit dirty so i turned on the bath. He walked in with his towel and his toys. I grabbed the bubbles and out them in as mateo got in. I wanted to cry right infront of him buh I couldn't, i didnt want him to see me like that.
Y/n- we missed you baby
Mateo- i did too
He said as his eyes shined in the light
Y/n- i love you
I said as i put water on his head
Mateo- i love you more
He said as he got up and hugged me getting me all soaked. He giggled and sat back down splashing a bit of water. I chuckled too and watched as he played with his toys. God really did bless me, i thought as mattia walked in and sat next to me.

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