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We walked outside and into the car. It was quiet at first buh it eventually went away as we started driving. We stopped at olive garden and walked inside. As we walked inside we seen devin and mariano. They both scoffed as i made eye contact with them. We sat on our table and checked out the menu.
Y/n- hey. Whats wrong
Mattia- im fine
He said as i knew he was lying. I placed my hand on his and we looked into each other's eyes.
Y/n- you know you can tell me
Mattia- i know , i just dont wanna lose you-
Y/n- you wont, okay
He nodded and we ordered our food. While we were waiting for the food, i noticed my 'mom' Cindy.
Cindy- oh hi guys
Mattia- ms.
Cindy- oh and congrats honey for having a baby on the way
Y/n- how do you know?
Cindy- your uncle told me
Mattia- y/n hasnt told her uncle
Cindy- alondra told your uncle and he told me
Y/n- ohh
Cindy- yea gtg bye
As she walked away i had a confused look on my face, mattia turned to face me and took a sip from his drink.
Mattia- i get some weird vibes from here
Y/n- lowkey same
We had a nice talk after our food arrived me and mattia were on good terms, nothing was ever wrong between us and hopefully nothing ever goes wrong. After we ate we headed to an outdoor mall. We walked to the mall with our hands locked together, we were looking around when we stopped at this one baby store. Mattia went in and i followed he was looking at the baby shoes and bought some. I just smiled at him and we walked back out, we kept walking around looking on whats new and we made our way to the food court. We both got some ice creams rolls and went and sat by a hill with a nice sunset view.

Mattia's pov
As we were watching the sunset, it was very silent between us, when i realized y/n had her head on my shoulder and she was falling asleep, it was only 8:03 and I chuckled. I was playing with her hair and kissed her forehead. God i love her so much. Hopefully i can keep her happy, and hopefully i dont ever lose her... as the time flew by we got into the car and drove back home. Y/n went up to the room with the girls while i went to the garage with the boys and played 8 ball.  

Y/n's pov
As i made up my way to the girls i noticed they were planning something.
Y/n- ladiesss
Alondra- great! Your here finally
Y/n- why, did i miss-
Katie-  were going on a Vae-caee
Y/n- where too?
Alondra-  the beach, were gonna rent a hotel for katie's birthday, and have a great time together. It's been awhile
Y/n- it has
Katie- no mans, no kids, just us three
Alondra- we leave tmrw so pack your bag
I just chuckled and nodded, i went into the room and started packing my bags when mattia walked in.
Mattia- why are you packing
Y/n- me and the girls are going down to the bach for katie's birthday and i guess we leave tmrw
Mattia- oh okay, were going down to florida to help some of my guys
Y/n- okay, let me know when your leaving
Mattia- will do, goodnight mama
He said as he kissed my neck
Y/n- mhm,  goodnight
I said as he pulled back and went into the bathroom.
okay guyss, y'all should give me a couple ideas for the beach, i want a bit of action 😏😏. This is short, im sorry im currently helping my mother with my and my brother's school registration  so idk when i'll update buh i will 🦖.

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