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Y/n- this motherfucker
Hacker- y/n you should-
Then the signal went out and i lost contact with the hacker.
Y/n- hello, why is the stupid thing not working
I said as i got up and took it off my ear placeing it again on my ear. I had turned around to get out the room when i saw a tall guy covered in black, blocking my way.
???- dzień dobry (good afternoon)
And with that he put a napkin on me that was filled with alcohol and i felt myself i fall into his arms.

Hacker's pov
Shit, something happened. The ear piece never goes off signal..unless..someone else hacked it! Fuck, she's in trouble, they planned it out. I thought to myself. I slammed my hands on the table and went looking for mattia. He was nowhere to be found so i went back and tried doing what i could do.

Y/n's pov
I had woken up and seen two guys by the door. I was about to walk over to them buh noticed i was tied up to a chair. I tried moving and moving until the door opened.

???- dziękuję chłopcy, idźcie dalej
Y/n- who are you, and why did you kill my parents
Octavio- im octavio the third, their enemies and we kill all enemies
He said as he put strands of hair behind my ear.
Y/n- dont touch me
Octavio- what are you gonna do about it sweetie
Y/n- what do you want from me
Octavio- mhh what do i want with you
Y/n- are you gonna rape me? Lemme guess kill me
I said as tears rolled down my cheeks
Octavio- dont cry baby, you need some rest. Ill check up on you later
He said as he stood up and left, locking the door. Fuck!!! I thought to myself. Think y/n... think..the pocket knife. I was able to slid my hand in my back pocket, and once i did i grabbed the pocket knife and cut myself. I noticed the camera in the room was on, and moved all the way around so i waited till it turned facing the other way.

Mattia's pov
I was at devin's house, my girlfriend. She still doesn't know im "married" and im not planning to tell her, well not now. We were both naked under the covers, cuddling after well yk fucking. When i got a call from Gusse, my hacker.
Gusse- boss something happened
Mattia- what is it
Gusse- it's y/n
Mattia- im omw
I said as i got up buh devin tried stopping me. I grabbed my clothes and quickly put them off and rushed out. I arrived to the house and went to gusse.
Mattia- is she okay, what the fuck happened
Gusse showed me the footage of the camera that was in the room where y/n was watching something on a computer...then where the ear piece lost connection..and then where someone placed a napkin on her, making her fall into their arms.
Mattia- can you show me more footage, i need to see what happened!
I raised my voice and Gusse played more. The guy was holding y/n and they put her in a black car and took her somewhere.
Gusse- her phone is still on, i've tracked it-
Mattia- we needa go now, get your shit your coming with us
I said as i ran y hand theough my hair and walked out the room. I grabbed my guns and loaded them. I told kairi and alejandro as they were cleaning their guns, they quickly loaded them and got in the car with a few security's. We made our waye to our private jet and headed to sicily.

Y/n- here's that
???- thank you, wait in the front we needa get the car for you
Y/n- great
I walked to the back of the store where we placed a tracker on the car and called my boss.
???- boss, yes she's here, we placed the tracker, yea bye.
Boss hung up and took the car to the front, i got out and smiled handing her the keys. I watched her get in and drive away. We followed her car and noticed she was at our base.
Boss- no just let her wander off, wait and look at the camera's
We were looking at the footage that was rolling, a couple mins later we noticed she was struggling with something, so boss sent me in. I stood infront of her blocking the door, i grapped my napkin and place it on her, she fell into my arms and took her into the car. We started driving and got to the other base we had.

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