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Alondra's pov
Yes i was a bit upset, buh i got over it. It could have gone worse if things were different. Katie was staying so y/n and mattia are sharing a room, Me and ale share a room, kairi has his room all to himself, and katie and the baby have y/n's room. The baby was fussy so katie went to go change him. The boys were gone, and me and y/n stayed in the living room.
Alondra- what do you want to drink
Y/n- oou wine please
Alondra- buh i thought you hate wine
Y/n- ive been like craving it and i like it now, for some reason
Alondra- bitch, what if your pregnant-
Y/n- na i dont think so
Alondra- lets buy a test just in ca-
Y/n- bby im fine😂
Alondra- mhm, just watch
I rolled my eyes playfully and soon then katie came downstairs, she put the baby to sleep so we kept spilling tea.

Next day Thursday y/n's pov
I woke up early as possible and headed out for my daily run, i was running when i noticed a women, she kinda looked like my mom. She had brown curly hair, hazel eyes, i walked a bit closer and her nails were painted a cherry red, just like my mom would paint her's, she looked just exactly like her. We never got my parents body soo.
Y/n- mom,.is that?
She looked confused. No what were you thinking y/n...your mother's dead you saw it all on footage.. i thought.
Y/n- sorry, i was just leaving, wrong person
I said as i walked passed her was about to put my airpods in.
???- y/n wait
I turned around, shocked ash. Could it really be her? I looked into her eyes and tears rolled down her cheeks. She pulled me into a hug and my hands stayed on my side. I didnt know what to do.
???- let's grab some coffee.,i can explain
Y/n- um sure

At the coffee shop
Y/n- so your telling me, he shot you, and you barely made it
Mom- yes, honey. Sadly your father didn't
Y/n- i know, buh that's in possible. I saw it all on footage. I dont like saying it, buh You died
Mom- look, how about we take a DNA test
Y/n- uh-m i guess, shoot, i gotta go
We gave each other our numbers and i left. I got to the house and entered. I walked into the room, and it smelt so good, until i noticed it was Mattia's scent. He's a fallen angel from heaven. (Buh fr doeee😍.) i got undressed and went into the shower. I let the warm water run through my body. A couple sec later a strong pair of arms were wrapped around my waist.
I feel confident now...soo im finna try and write a whole ass smut😐😣
Y/n- mattia!
I said putting my hand on my chest
Mattia- dont worry I've already seen you naked..
And withthat he pulled me closer, i wanted him so bad, i leaned in and kissed him, i out my hand on his chest and made my way upto his neck. Mattia'shand went down to my ass and he slapped it. Causing me to gasp and for his tounge to enter. We were making out for what seemed forever till he picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso, as he turned off the water and opened the curtains. He went back to kissing and placed me on the bed without breaking the kiss. I got off the bed and pushed him onto it. He sat down, and i got on my knees. I kitty licked the tip of his d*ck and he groaned. He put my hair in a ponytail formation and started bobbing my head up and down. After 20 mins i got up and wiped my mouth, i got onto mattia's lap and started kissing his neck, he gripped onto my waist and pulled me real close to where their was no space. As our bodies were touching mattia laid back on the bed and entered himself in me, without a warning, causing me to let out a moan. I was riding mattia for an hour or so, he knew i was getting a bit tired so he flipped us to where he was now on top of me. He grabbed his d*ck and started teasing.
Y/n- sto-pp, teas-inggg
Mattia-  if you say so
He put his d*ck in and started pounding. He got real deep and kept going faster, faster, and faster. About 4 hours later mattia finally fell on top of me.

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