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Alondra- cmon lets check it out
Y/n- i dont think-
And with that alondra pulled me, and the sounds got louder. We looked over the bushed and alondra flashed her flight.
Y/n & alondra- KATIEE?
Katie- oh-uh hi guys
Alondra- omg i needa wash my eyes
???- sup
A familiar voice said, alondra flashed the light on him and it was matthew. What was doing here?
Y/n- matthew?! What are you doing here
Matthew- uhh-im- here because off-
Alondra- aha were leaving now, have fun. Aha okay byee
Katie- bye
She said as she went back to him. The whole way to the hotel was silent till we got into the room we started breaking down into a laughter. It was now 11pm and we were both really tired, alondra was knocked out on the bed, i hoped in the shower and let the water run down my body. they have your location and same with your husbands. All you gotta know is that you needa watch out. Kept replaying in my head, is that why matthew's here? 

Rewind devin's pov
Devin- me and mariano are going to florida!
Jenna- what about me
Mariano- you, matthew and an d friend of mine are going to the beach of New Jersey.
He said as he walked over to kevin that was tied up in a chair. He took the tape off his mouth and he started talking.
Mariano- look man, im sorry i gotta do this buh this is what happens when you spy on me
Devin- do what we say or die. You and jenna go to the beach where y/n and her friends are staying, me and mariano will get her husband.
Jenna- whats all this for again
Mariano- i want mattia and devin wants y/n. Mattia took the only thing i wanted which was y/n..
Devin- and y/n took the two most important people in my life...mattia and my father. So it's payback
Kevin- can i go now?
Mariano- umm yea, jenna ahead along too
Jenna- ughh, okay bye
She said as they walked out, a couple hours later me and mariano were at alvaro's house.

Next morning mattia's pov
It was 4am and everyone was sleeping, i had woken up earlier to the sound of dishes so i got up and went for some water, once i got to the kitchen i realised who it was. Devin.
Mattia- i know your up to something
She chuckled
Mattia- what do you want
Devin- you
Mattia- you know damn well I dont want you
Devin- you'llchange your mind
Mattia- wha?
And before i could finishe the sentence she got ontop of me and and started kissing my neck. It was a bit hard to get her off till i picked her up and throw her onto the couch
Devin- dont leave me
Mattia- too bad, I already did
I said as i was almost at the top of the stairs. I went into the room and locked the door and headed back to bed. This bitch crazy.

Y/n's pov
I woken up to the sounds of the birds chirping. The sun was shining through the curtains and the smell of the food was great. I got out the bed and did the bed.  I walked over to the living room and found the girls eating.
Alondra- so your telling me matthew just pulled you into the bushes-
Katie- out of no where and boom, it just happened
Y/n- why is he even here
Katie- he said something about revenge, and getting the love of his life back
Y/n- alondra
I said as i turned to look at her
Alondra- fuckkk, why me
Katie- wait are you the love of his life
Y/n- she certainly is
Katie- omg im so sorry for fucking hi-
Alondra- dont even trip, i dont want anything with him.

Mariano's pov
I was waiting outside alvaro's house when i got a call from devin's mother cindy.
Mariano- ms, whats up
Cindy- dont do anything to y/n or mattia
Mariano- why not
Cindy- because y/n's pregnant!
Mariano- great, just what i needed

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