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As my eyes went wide i felt something sharp and pain. He then put something in his pocket and started walking away. I grabbed onto a counter a placed my hand on the side of my belly, their was blood all over my fingers.

Mariano's pov
I quickly texted Matthew to come to walamrt. I made my way into the isle and bumped myself into y/n, we made eye contact. I grabbed my pocket knife and stabbed her on the side of her belly, her eyes went wide. Soon then i started walking away. As i left that isle i ran all the way to the bathroom and cleaned the knife

Mattia's pov
As i paid for the flowers a i got a call from y/n
Mattia- hey bby whats up
Y/n- can you come, i- i
She said as she was stuttering
Mattia- babe, what's wrong
Y/n- i- i can barely walk
She said as you can hear her voice cracking up
Mattia- im coming hold on
I said as i hung up and rushed to the food isle. Once i got their she fell into my arms. I noticed a track of blood. Her hand was full of blood, i took her hand off her belly and noticed how big it was.
Mattia- what happened- bby stay with me
I said as her eyes were closing, i called an ambulance and some employees came over.
Y/n- m-mariano
She said as her eyes fully closed and her head fell back. I picked her up and started walking to the entrance. It was a 2 min walk to the entrance buh when i got their the paremedics stopped infront of me and took her out of my hands, and placed her on the bed thingy. As they got into the ambulance i got in too, and grabbed her hand.

At the hospital mattia's pov
I called my family and told them to come. I called alondra , and told her what happened. I was in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to come. I got up and walked into the bathroom. My eyes were red from crying, i washed my face with the water and looked back up. Anger was boiling up, i was looking down at my fists then back up, i punched the mirror a couple of times and my knuckles were bleeding and all scratched up. I walked back out and wiped my nose, i looked around, my parents and my nana were sitting in the waiting room.
Mattia- ma
I said with tears forming once again
M/M- honey, what happened
M/N- is she okay? Is the baby okay
Mattia- i still havent heard
M/D- what happened
Mattia- mariano
I said as i sat down, i kept looking down.
Doctor- family of y/n polibio
Mattia- is she okay?!
I said as i jumped out my seat
Doctor- you almost lost your baby buh now that y/n is stitched up, your baby's fine and still healthy. Y/n lost a bit of blood and needs recovery, dont let her move because the cut will cut open and will lose more blood.
M/M- thank god, can we see her
The doctor nodded and walked away. My nana looked at me and nodded. I walked into the room and sat down next to her. She was waking up and moving around, i got up and calmed her down, i fixed her head and looked at her, she then opened her eyes and looked at me.
Y/n- mattia
She sighed as she looked down and placed her hand on her belly

Y/n's pov
Mattia- you almost lost the baby, buh he's okay now
once he said that my heart dropped. I almost lost my baby. I looked back up and pulled mattia into a hug, i heard him sniffle a couple of times, he pulled back and rested his head on my head. I was rubbing my fingers on his cheeks.
Y/n- im okay
I said as i wiped his tears away. He then pulled his head back from mine and grabbed the chair next to him and put it closer to the bed.

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