P.2 (7)

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Alondra's pov
Alo- hold on bby i needa go use the restroom
I said wiping my tears from laughter
Ale- dont take to long, mattia just called me. Y/n's gonna give birth any sec
Alo- oh shit okay okayy
i said walking back into the restaurant, before i got into the bathroom y/n called me.
Y/n- heyy- alo can you bring the hospital bag-
Alo- i gotchu, ill see you later i needa use the bathroom
Y/n- okay thats fine, i love you
Alo- i love you more
I said as i opened the door and got in the bathroom.

Ceila's pov
Jenna- omg just up
She said laughing
Ceila- im sorry buh it was halarious- hold on
Jenna- what-
Ceila- thats alejandro, he lowkey got hotter ever since i left
Jenna-dont do it, ceci please
Ceila- just wait
I said as i made my way to him
Ceila- ale long tim no see
Ale- can you get away
Ceila- what whyyy
Ale- cause, i dont like you, i dont want nothing to do with you, you literally kissed mat-
He said as i saw alondra walking out the door
Ceila- shut up and kiss me
I said as i grabbed his face and smashed my lips with his. he was pulling back and eventually got out my grip when alondra yelled.
Ale- its not what it lookes like i can explain
Alo- I believe you buh i don't believe this bitc-
She said as i turned around
Alo- ceila? your kidding right? First kairi, then mattia, now ale?
Ceila- so what? Its just a kiss
Ale- just stfu
Ceila- make me papi
Ale- dont ever say that

Alondra's pov
Ceila- anyways, i gotta go, bye aleee
She said touching ale's jaw, i was mad. This bitch thinks "its just a kiss" and wont do any harm? Before he left i grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her facing me.
Ceila- ow, ow ow that hirts let go of me you bitch
Jenna- wowww, chill tf down, let her go
I let her go buh slapped her right and felt cheek. She scoffed and walked away with jenna.
Ale- wow i-
Alo- can we just go now. Please
Ale- yey
He said as he opened his car. We got in and drove to the house in silence. Once we arrived i got off and grabbed y/n's hospital bag, and drove off again.

Y/n's pov
Mattia was on the side of the bed holding my hand as i was taking deep breaths. Alondra has walked into the room with the bag and placed it on the couch. She walked over to my side and grabbed my hand.
Y/n- what took you so long
I whispered
Alo- i found ceila kissing ale
Y/n- dude, stop capping
I whisper yelled as a contraction hit
Alo- im not-
She said as the doctor walked into the room
Doctor- your 10 centimeters, we can start now
She said as she sat down.

Sorry for this short chapter, buh wattpad wasn't letting me publish anything, online has me stressed out, and we've been going bath and forth with my uncle to his treatments, so please be patient and also give me ideas💗!

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