P.2 (1)

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a/n- i forgot to write this is on the other one buh ima do the sequel here and y'all better gimme ideasss😽💘!

Y/n's pov
I woke up to find mattia and mateo gone. I got in the shower and did my routine. I curled my hair and got dressed. I did a light makeup and did the bed.

(Without bag and heels)I closed the door and made my way downstairs to find mateo get up from behind the kitchen shirtless

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(Without bag and heels)
I closed the door and made my way downstairs to find mateo get up from behind the kitchen shirtless.
Y/n- why arent you wearing your sh-
i said making my way to find when i found cranberry juice all over the floor
Y/n- wha?- mateo what happened
mateo- it fell, im sorry. I promise it wont ever happen again, please please please im sorr-
i just chuckled and grabbed this (i forgot what its called).

 I promise it wont ever happen again, please please please im sorr-i just chuckled and grabbed this (i forgot what its called)

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y/n- its okay baby, go upstairs and change
i said as i rubbed his hair and he made his way to the stairs. I finished cleaning and the girls walked in.
Alondra- hey!
katie- hi girly
They said as they sat down and hugged me. Mateo then walked downstairs and ate his breakfast. I made some coffee and while it heated mattia and the boys walked in.
Mattia- great news!
He said, i walked up to him and pecked his lips.
Katie- uh-huh
Ale- we got the house!
Alondra- omg thats great!!
She said jumping out of her chair
Y/n- when do we move in
Kairi- we got till Thursday
I just nodded and grabbed a cup. The guys walked into the garage and started packing ig. The girls walked to their room and packed as well. I waited for mateo to finish eating and then we went upstairs.
Mateo- mommy, is it a girl or a boy
he said as he opened the bedroom door.
Y/n- idk baby
Mateo- when are you gonna know
Y/n- next month, are you excited
Mateo- yea!
He said making the duh voice while i grabbed the luggages and boxes. mateo went looking for his clothes and brought it to me while i put more of his clothes in the box. Once we finished with his stuff, i began to pack me and mattias stuff.
Mattia- hellooo my lovess
he said as he burst into the room. i smiled while seeing mateo run to his arms. mattia put him down and helped me pack.

Mateo- mommy why are we moving again?
Y/n- well since our family is getting bigger we need a bigger house.
Mateo- is uncle kai, ale and uncle kev living with us too?
Y/n- yes, its getting dark now help me with your backpack
I said as he picked it up and i took the last box onto the car. We got into the car and left the house. I couldn't believe it. The car ride was a bit long buh once we arrived to the new house my mouth dropped, i turned to my right and mateos motuh was dropped as well.

We all got off and started taking the boxes with the securitys help

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We all got off and started taking the boxes with the securitys help. The kitchen and living room were connected, a grand staircase, balconies, 6 bedrooms with bathrooms, boxing/workout room, tennis-basketball court a pool w/ hot tub in the back, 4 garages, and boi I couldn't stop smiling. The house was all furnished so we headed upstairs and picked our rooms, mateo was passed out on the bed cus it was 1am when we finished unpacking. Me and mattia changed and got into bed with mateo between us.

My phone boutta die on me so let me charge it for a bit, so i can get back to this, enjoy 😏.

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