P.2 (19)

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kairi's pov
Ceila- i know where y/n's daughter is
kairi- how do you know y/n's daughter was missing
ceila- devin's my sister remember
she said and my eyes went wide
kairi- whats the address
ceila- (random address) and she changed her name to nicole sanders so dont fall for it
kairi- great thanks bye
i said and hung up. i ran from my office to mattia's office
mattia- what's up kai
he said from talking to y/n

y/n's pov
kairi- we finally found her
He said smiling, making me place my hand over my necklace.
mattia- who karla?
he said as he stood up from his chair, kairi nodded causing me and mattia to look at each other, tears formed and a few slipped.
y/n- we finally found her, omg we finally found her
i said as i was crying in mattia's arms, he kissed my forehead and called a family meeting.
mateo- mom why are you crying
y/n- we finally found karla, she was never dead
i said and mateo ran to my arms. He hugged me tight
kairi- i got all the information and the adress right their
ale- how
kairi- ceila called
katie- ceila the bitch that-
kairi- yup, that ceila
kairi nodded
mattia- okay let's go
he said and we put our jackets on.

Devin's pov
Me and my family had woken up to loud bangs on the door, i had gone downstairs and opened the door.
security- nicole sanders?
Devin/nicole - yes that's me
security- your under arrest for kidnapping a child and pretending to be the mother-
d/n- what are you talking about?
mattia- you know what were talking about devin-
i said as y/n squeezed my hand
mariano- we raised her when you guys never looked for her
mattia- we looked for her everywhere and never found anything.
y/n- i should've known it was both of you
she said and slapped devin
karla- mom what's happening
She said as she rushed from upstairs
karla- mr. and ms. Polibio? what are you doing here

Karla's pov
y/n- were here too take you back home
Devin- this is her home
karla- someone please explain what's going on
i said as i started to feel dizzy, i felt my self fall to the ground and everything went black

Y/n's pov
Once karla fell onto the ground, mattia and the security burst into the house, putting devin and mariano to the wall, handcuffing them. kairi and ale had taken karla out the house as i called and ambulance while walking behind them. About 20 mins later the ambulance had arrived and the security took devin and mariano to mattia's warehouse where the boys have all their supplies. a couple more securitys had came to do an investigation in the house and took us to the hospital.

at the hospital
We were waiting in the waiting room when mateo had showen up.
mateo- how is she
mattia- doctors said she's stable, their running some tests on her though
he said and grabbed my hand, mateo sat down next to me and we waited for the doctor to come out again.

Next morning
mateo had woken me up, and once i looked uo i seen the doctor.
y/n- how is she
doctor- the results are positive she's your daughter and your free to enter the room
he said, i smiled in relief and hugged mattia then mateo. We made our way into her room and sat on the chairs by the bed.
karla- im sorry for what happened last night, is mom okay
she said and we stayed quiet for a minute
mateo- im sorry karla, buh that wasn't your mom
karla- what are you talking about
she fake chuckled
y/n- here read this
i said handing her the results of her tests. About 5 mins later she stayed quiet and handed me the papers back
Mateo- your the sister i had lost.....

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