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Y/n- hey
Kevin- h-hi
Y/n- how you feeling
Kevin- im still in pain you know, buh i could be feeling better
Which made me chuckle a little
Kevin- how are you
Y/n- idk worried, scared, who knows
Kevin chuckled too and looked around the took till his eyes katie's once she walked in the room looking for me
Y/n- katie meet kevin, kevin this is katie
Kevin- wow- hi
Katie- hey, i was just wondering if you'd like to go back home now
Y/n- im okay thank you
I smiled and took a seat in the room

Next day
It was now monday and the girls were still sleeping. I got up and made some coffee. J walked back over to the waiting room and the doctor had shown up.
Doctor- ms. Polibio
Y/n- yes, thats me
Doctor- oh, so mr. salazar is now releazed and make sure he gets some rest
Y/n- will do, thank you
I said as he handed me a paper. I woke the girls up and soon then kevin came out the room in a wheel chair. We made our way out the hospital and back home. He gave us his address and before he got off the car he whispered in my ear.
Kevin- aye, whats katie's number
I smiled and sent him her number.
Y/n- what are you tryna do
Kevin- tryna take it sloww
We watched as he got inside the house and we left.

Mattia's pov
Once we arrived back to new jersey, we noticed the girls werent home yet. Alvaro and roshuan were moving in with us, while their house was getting built. As we entered the house we helped the guys unpack everything and then we headed to the garage. The guys were doing coke as me and roshuan were setting up 8 ball. About 20 mins later the door opened and closed with chatter between it.

Y/n's pov
Once we got home, we noticed that the guys were in the garage. I walked into the garage and kissed mattia's cheek.
Mattia- guys this is my wife y/n
Roshuan- oou she cute. Im roshuan
Alvaro- aye back off thats all his, and im alvaro
Y/n- nice to meet you guys
Kairi- how was the trip
Katie- oou, it was great-
Before she could finish her sentence her phone rang. "Kevin, omg hi kevin" once those words came out her mouth she looked at me and i winked. We let the boys finish what they were doing and we all headed to our rooms. As i was unpacking and folding some clothes i kept thinking. What are they planning? Is kevin using me to fall in a trap? Till i got interrupted by mattia. I jumped as his hands went around my waist.
Mattia- babe, you okay
Y/n- yea i was just thinking
Mattia- about
Y/n- i dunno
Mattia- devin was in florida-
Y/n- wdym?
Mattia- she was dating alvaro and broke up with him before we came back
This bitch is defenitly up to something. I just rolled my eyes and went back to folding. Mattia kissed my cheek and let me know that him and the guys were gonna go out. I walked downstairs to find alondra in the kitchen and katie on the couch still on the phone.
Y/n- is she still on the phone with him
Alondra- i guess so
As we watched katie, she said bye and walked over to us, blushing.
Alondra- gurl, you okay
Katie- yesss
Y/n- so what'd he say
Katie- he wants to go on a date
Alondra- are you fr fr
Katie- mhm
Y/n- i thought he wanted to take it slow
Alondra- apperently not
She said as she caused us to laugh.

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