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At the hall
Mattia, ale and kevin were sent to buy more wine so they went. Kairi was talking to ceila when i noticed a familiar face, o haven't seen in forever. Mariano?! I thought as i got up and walked closer. Once i got a full face look my heart dropped. I thought mariano wouldn't make it out alive, buh he did. I quickly went back to the table and sat down. Once i sat down i quickly got him out of my mind buh i felt weird. Hours later the boys came back with boxes of red and grape wine. We were all on the dance floor dancing when alondra grabbed katies shoulder.
Katie- are you okay?
Alondra looked down and seen a puddle of water
Y/n- your water brok-
Ale- ima take her to the hospital
Mattia- do you need us to go or-
Alondra- no no no, you stay here and you can meet us tmrw morning
Kairi- call us if anything
He said as i helped ale take alondra to the car
Y/n- bby your fine, everything will go fine. Your strong, you got this,  i love you
Alondra- i love you more
She said as she out her head back and took a deep breath. I watched as they drove away. I walked back inside and took a seat with katie. I sighed and looked at mateo and brandon sleeping on the chairs with the boys tux's over them. (Mexican thingss)
Y/n- ima take the boys to mattia's parents house
I said looking at katie while she was holding anna
Katie- thats fine
I picked up brandon and put the tux over him
Mattia- were you going
He said as he sat down
Y/n- taking the boys to your moms
Mattia- ill go with
He said as he picked up mateo and put his tux over him. We walked out the hall and into the car, we made our way to the house and dropped them off. Once we left their house it started raining pretty hard, we stopped in a corner by McDonald's just so the rain could stop. Mattia had his hand on my thigh, i looked at him and we were looking at each other when we slowly leaned in and kissed. The kisswas smooth and passionate. His hand went higher while i was leaning in more, which led to me being ontop of him, his hands trailed to my ass, they stayed their for a while, while we were still making out. I traveled to his neck then back up to his lips. After a while of making out the rain stopped and we drove back to the hall, we parked and got off the car. I fixed his bow and my hair, and walked in. We sat down and watched as ceila and kairi cut the cake. I turned to my left looking at the door and found mariano stareing at me, we made eye contact and then he vanished into the dark. I squeezed mattias hand making him look at me.
Mattia- bby you okay?
Y/n- i saw mariano
I said looking up at him, and his smile slowly faded away
Mattia- he wasn't suppose to make itour aliv- fuck okay, were fine
He said as he kissed my forehead and grabbed my other hand. We got served cake and did the toast.

After the party
The wedding was nice and fun. We helped clean the trash and went home. Once we aarived home i took my shoes off and plopped onto the bed. I got up and changed into some shorts and hoodie, before getting into bed i got a message, i opened it and it was a picture of alondra, ale and their baby girl. I smiled and sent a red heart. I turned my phone off and got into bed. Mattia then later came in and cuddled with me, and the night drifted away.

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