Punch, Cut, Kiss Chapter 1...

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A/N: Okay darlings, here it is!  If you read "Dear Diary," and liked it, youll like this more.  If you didnt like it, youll like this.  If you havent read it, dont.  It stinks... badly.  This is just a started chapter, the next is better.  Comment and vote! Idc if you fan, but if you wanna, I'm not complaining.  Anyway, Ill quiet myself. Read and tell friends please! I have a feeling this could be great if I finish.  Feel free to message me your ideas and stuff.  Ill take it all into consideration.

The back of his hand came down hard.  It made the flesh of my right cheek burn.  Immediately, I could feel the bruise start to form.  That one was going to be hard to hide.


He pushed me against the door, whispering profanities into my ear.  Another blow in the same exact spot as before.  When his hand made contact with my pale face, I was flung to the floor.


He pulled me up by my hair.  He looked me right in the eyes.  His gray ones had long since lost all pity or humaneness- like his soul.  I could tell that my bright green ones were filled with pain and longing.

As if guessing my thoughts, that he had no soul left, he kicked my legs out from under me.  Because he still had hold of my hair, it held the entire weight of my body.  I bit my lip until blood seeped into my mouth so I wouldn't cry out in pain.

I couldn't regain my footing fast enough, so he threw me to the side.

Three.  Four.

I was laying face down on the ground thinking, Hey, if I don't move he might think I'm dead.  Boy, did I wish for that.

He rolled me onto my back and sat heavily on my waist, pinning me down.  I wasn't lucky enough to be dead.

I didn't weep or fight, I found out years ago that it was of no use to me.

He slowly raised his fist.  Let the games begin, I thought.  He slammed his fist into my jaw.  A copper taste spilled into my mouth again.  This time, I was not the one who had caused it.


Five was my maximum.  I could do no more than that.  Now that I had reached my tolerance, I let myself slip into unconsciousness as he continued to hit me where he pleased.  I would assess the wounds when I came to.

"Kyler, honey!  Come get some pancakes!"

"Okay momma!" I squealed racing down the stairs.

My father was waiting at the bottom of them.  He scooped me up in his big, strong arms and tickled me until tears spilled from my eyes from our laughter.

"Dom, put Kye down so she can eat," my mother smiled.
We all sat down at the kitchen table, piling our plates high with hot, blueberry pancakes. They were mom's specialty.

I poured an unhealthy amount of syrup on mine and shoved them into my mouth.  Hot fresh blueberry exploded as soon at my teeth made contact with the cake.  My mouth watered in appreciation.  The pancakes were as soft as pillows as I chewed slowly to savor the flavor.  I looked at my mom, who was watching me with a delighted smile on her face.  Daddy was sipping his coffee, while looking adoringly at momma.  The cat jumped on the table spilling syrup all over him.  My mother and I laughed as he shooed the cat.  He lightly tapped its nose with two fingers.  That was the cruelest thing he had ever done... until about four years later...



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PS It is NOT like Silent Beauty or Silent Princess (I think that is what it is called....)  This is my own story and idea :D

PPS I dont really think it needs to be rated PG-13, and I need a new title.... Any ideas??




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