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I saw her sitting tiredly. Eyes were almost closed, her mouth was out of words.

She's staring blankly, frowning, seems like her tears are also too tired to run down on her bare cheeks.

Pale lips, red nose, swollen eyes and puffy cheeks. Her sad face were formed and dark circles lurked under her rounded eyes.

She looks exhausted, and I have no idea why. Maybe her heart were torn into pieces, maybe she's stressed, maybe she want to get out with all of this sh*ts, maybe she's been suffering for a pretty long time. I don't know.

I heard her sobbing, I've been wondering why. She's crying again and I can't count a finger for how many times she's been repeating that in more than an hour. Then she stopped, staring nowhere absentmindedly.

No one would even dare to ask what she's been thinking about. She stop from crying. She's tired.
She cried. She stop. And repeat, over and over again.

I stand, and she stand. I walk towards her, and she also do the same. She looks familiar, it's like I already saw her. It's like she'd been a part of my blurred and broken memories.

I saw her crying again, and that's when I felt the warm liquid that is flowing down on my bare cheeks.

- Lauren Averie



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either products of author's imagination or used in fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead or actual event is purely coincidental.

'Out of my League' Copyright
©️ 2021 kemerut_18. All rights reserved.

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