Hell's Angel: Ebook

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For new and old readers: this is an old version so it will not be updated. The newest one is available to purchase. The new version has the sex scenes, minor changes to scenes. It is also formatted a bit different to get rid of very short/long chapters.

This book can be purchase as an ebook through multiple retailers. Link in the comments or on my profile/website. Amazon is not one of them.

Hell's Angel cannot be available on Amazon. They do not allow the majority of an ebook to be available for free somewhere else beyond a teaser. So to put it on Amazon, I'd have to remove it off Wattpad. So please don't complain about getting the old version for free, I could just take it down so I can put it on Amazon, since it is one of the biggest ebook sellers, but I'm choosing to leave it up.

The ebook has more rounds of editing (I'm not going to say it's perfect) but I'm happy with the quality.

Thanks for reading, and to those who have already bought the ebook, thank you!

On to do River!

Hell's Angel: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now