There's no happy pills (YG/Pt. 4)

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trigger warning: several sensitive mental health topics

Yoongi continued with the concert as it was planned as if he had done absolutely nothing different than expected. As soon as they were done with the last song, all he did was put a hoodie over his outfit, take his bag and leave through the back door. The band looked at him bewildered, but didn't feel it was necessary to stop him.

A bodyguard ran after him to keep an eye on his safety as the driver was already waiting in the parked car outside of the stadium. They climbed on the car, the engine started immediately and the man drove away knowing exactly where they were going without a word from Yoongi.

He walked up to the receptionist and a nurse was called to come guide him to where you were. She's been doing great, Mr. Min, she's ready to go home whenever you're ready - she informed him and a small smile drew itself on his face.

The nurse opened the door for him to a sort of lounge room and he walked in nodding to thank her. He looked around with his shaky hands in his pocket and then his eyes found yours, you stared at each other for a while until you smiled widely and started running to him. He responded grinning happily at the appearance of any trace of happiness in your deprived face.

He took his hands out of his hoodie and held them out for you. Before you could crash on him he took a few steps forward and caught you in his warm embrace. He pulled you up, your toes a few inches above the floor, and kissed you deeply. A couple of tears escaping from the sides of his tightly shut eyes.

He put you back down carefully, looking into your eyes while smiling. They were soft and had a sparkle to them, like they hadn't in a long time. He pressed a loving kiss on your forehead and squeezed you close to his chest as he laid his cheek on your head.

Your song - you began and he pulled back and looked at you puzzled - it was amazing - you said and flashed another smile that made his heart ache, but with profound love. When you realized he didn't know, you took out your phone. Taehyung videocalled me and showed me the whole performance live - you chuckled and he looked at you with a mix of amusement and shock. Your laugh made him feel whole again.

Did you pack all your things? - he asked checking whether you were ready, but you were confused. A nurse walked up to you and nodded from behind you. He nodded and took your hand. We are getting you out of here - he said walking out of there to do the necessary paperwork.

The nurse placed your suitcase next to you as you were still speechless. They handed him a paper with all the details to follow, as it was late at night and the doctor was not in. He quickly scanned it and put it away before signing some other papers for you to be discharged.

You were now in the car on your way back to your apartment. You were cuddling up to Yoongi and he couldn't care less about what it looked like as you were practically on top of him. When he inhaled deeply and his lungs expanded broadly, he felt he could finally breath again.

He opened the door to your apartment, it was messy, dark and smelled musty. Your boyfriend put your suitcase down by the door, turned on the lights and quickly walked up to open every window and roll up the blinds. The fresh night air came in renovating the depressing atmosphere. You sat down on the couch as he walked around picking stuff up from the floor and taking it away.

When he was done with the living room he sat down next to you - aren't your tired? Go to bed and I'll finish the rest and be right there. Let me do it tomorrow, you don't have to - you said and he smirked at your need to do something for him. It's okay, I can do it really quick, go - he planted a kiss on your forehead and sent you to your room.

The air was stuffy, you opened your window to let the moonlight in and stared at the sky for a bit. Yoongi came in the room and started cleaning the floor, piling up all the clothes on his arms and taking them to the laundry basket. He glanced at you and smiled to himself when he saw you deep in thought, the stars reflected in your eyes.

You turned around to see the clear floor, you walked to your closet and pulled out your favorite pajamas. As you walked in the bathroom to wash your teeth and take your medication, Yoongi was changing the towels. He moved to a side so you could get to the sink and he wrapped his arms around your hips, holding you against his body. He rested his chin on your shoulder and looked at you with a small smile through the mirror as you brushed your teeth.

I love you - he whispered in your ear, something he didn't say often. He observed the now healed scars on your bare arms. You noticed where his eyes were - I haven't felt like cutting in two months - you announced smiling softly at his reflection on the mirror. He attacked your neck with kisses giggling adorably. Who was this and where was your grumpy boyfriend? You laughed as his lips brushed your neck all over making you ticklish.

He took a quick shower to remove all the sweat and make up and walked in the room. Slipping into bed and laying his head on the pillow facing you. He looked at you adoringly with a side smile and you giggled - is it really you, Yoongi? - you asked narrowing your eyes. Do people honestly think I'm heartless? - he whined pouting and you leaned closer to peck him.

I'll bring the rest of my clothes tomorrow - he said and you looked at him with wide eyes. And I'll start packing whatever is necessary from my room at the dorms after work, so I might be a little late - he continued paying no notice. He finally looked at you gawking at him - what? - he blurted out self-consciously. You looked at him amused.

I practically lived here before I left, you bet I'm staying - he said and you laughed surprised at how cheeky he was, inviting himself to live with you. You don't want me to move in? - he said as his cheeks turned a darker shade of pink. I'd love that actually - you smiled brightly and he smiled a gummy smile at the sight of it, his face now bright red.

 I'd love that actually - you smiled brightly and he smiled a gummy smile at the sight of it, his face now bright red

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Depression f*cking sucks, let's make a petition so Yoongi really makes a rap dissing it, please.

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