Rescue mission (YG/Pt. 4)

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Yoongi pretended to understand a lot less than he actually did not to have to talk to the cops that were taking him to the band. When they arrived, the men escorted him to the stadium. They had already been informed he had been found and were waiting for him.

Yoongi-ah! - Jin said happy to see him safe and sound, soon enough all the members were gathered around him. What happened? - Namjoon asked and the younger quickly answered feeling like he didn't have time for this - I was drugged by some crazy woman and somehow this ARMY found me and made sure I was okay, I could have been kidnapped. They gawked at him, a sasaeng had never gone that far before.

They were full of questions, but before anyone could ask anything, Yoongi urged Namjoon to come with him to the local police station - this girl was driving me here and they took her in to interrogate her, I couldn't explain them what was going on - he said feeling guilty. We need to clear things up - the leader nodded and a car was there shortly to take them.

He barged in the police station looking around for anyone he could talk to. A policewoman approached them and Namjoon took a step forward - good morning, officer, we are here to clear up a misunderstanding about a young woman who was brought here not long ago. The lady looked at him for a second and then went to a desk to go through some papers.

Yoongi walked up to her and told her your name, that's when she identified you. I believe a psychologist was assessing her mental state - she said and he wasn't sure, he looked at the younger one for clarification and then nodded once he understood. Officer, this is all a mistake, this woman helped my friend leave a dangerous situation - Namjoon insisted.

I need to study English - Yoongi said hoping she'd understand why he hadn't said anything and believe what his friend was saying. She finally nodded in agreement - please take a seat, I will be back in a minute. They walked back to some plastic chairs by the entrance and waited for a long while. The policeman that had taken you in came in the room and Yoongi stood up immediately.

Good day, gentlemen, we'd like to ask a few questions before we release this woman - Namjoon got up - I can translate for my friend if needed. The older one nodded gratefully and they headed to an office to give thorough details about the situation and prove you were indeed harmless.

The lady who had welcomed them finally brought you out and apologized for the confusion. You walked up to where whoever had bailed you out was and you saw Yoongi. When you noticed the back of Namjoon's head though, you froze starstruck once more.

Yoongi heard the steps and turned around, he saw your face and chuckled. He said your name trying to snap you out of it and and you looked at him with wide eyes. He'd only called you ARMY until then, probably to put some distance between the two of you.

You walked up to them slowly - thank you for coming back for me, Suga - you said blushing. You looked at Namjoon speechless. Yoongi chuckled and turned to him to speak for you - strong power, thank you - the three of you burst out laughing at the situation.

It's so nice to meet you, RM, I've been following the band for years - you finally said and couldn't help but smile excited. I'm Min Yoongi - Suga said to you and RM made it clearer for you - and you can call me Namjoon, thank you for keeping him safe. With a nod you replied - of course.

Once you walked out of the station, you were trying to figure out how you'd get your car back when Yoongi spoke - come with us. Oh thank you, I need a ride - you said and he sighed frustrated at his short sentences, he didn't feel confident enough to put together one long sentence although he could have - back to the stadium.

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