Bad timing (YG)

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You had been feeling constantly sick lately, you thought you were coming down with the flu. After a couple of weeks of not actually getting ill, you decided you would be taking a pregnancy test just to be sure.

You really were not worried, you were taking all the necessary precautions with your boyfriend and the chances were slim. You took pills and used protection so it couldn't be, but you figured you'd eliminate items on the list.

Walking back into the bathroom after leaving the test next to the sink for the amount of time the box instructed, you took it almost ready to throw it out. However, you froze in place when you saw a flash of blue.

Despite the two lines being impossible not to see, leaving absolutely no room for doubt, you brought it closer to your face to inspect it. You took the box as if you didn't know what that meant and saw the little picture with the test with two lines and the word "pregnant" under it.

As you waited at the pharmacy to buy a couple more tests, you were sweating profusely just from the panic you were feeling. What was the chance of this happening? Wasn't it 0.1% for birth control alone? You were also very diligent when it came to taking it so they would be as effective as they could be. This just made no sense.

After nervously handing the money to the cashier and receiving your receipt, you took your bag and practically ran back to the apartment. You took the new tests, different brands just in case. The most expensive you could find, hoping they'd be more accurate, and you waited.

You were feeling pretty nauseous, but this was the kind that was produced by the anxiety shaped like a knot in your stomach. The alarm on your phone finally went off and you quickly made your way to the bathroom.

Taking a deep breath and closing your eyes tightly, you held up both tests in front of you and counted to three in a whisper before opening your eyes. Your heart sank, another two perfectly clear positives.

You felt weak at the knees and they fell off your hands. Your back slid down the bathroom's door as you tried to let that sink in. It was happening, something that never in a million years you would have expected.

Both you and Yoongi had talked about it before. While your relationship had been going strong for years now, you both agreed you'd wait until his contract was over before thinking of taking any further steps. This one was definitely one of those steps that weren't supposed to happen.

Shocked as you were, you couldn't really cry. You were starting to get a headache from all the things that were going through your head. Your family was very traditional and you were pretty sure Yoongi's would be opposed to doing anything about this.

You grew up raised with the idea that abortions were wrong and of course illegal, even though the laws were being revised soon. Deep down you weren't sure if you'd be able to consider anything like that anyway. Beyond whatever you were ever told, it was a thought you didn't feel comfortable with.

And there was Yoongi. He definitely didn't need this or want it, you were sure of it. You were shaking from the excess of anxiety that coursed through your body. Covering your face with your hands you shook your head violently wishing this was all a nightmare.

You trashed all the tests and walked out of the bathroom heading back to the room. You paced from one side of it to the other trying to figure out how to go about this. You loved Yoongi with all your heart, you really did, but this would ruin his career.

The only option that you could think of was just walking away and raising this kid alone. Your throat was dry and you had difficulty breathing. The nausea you were feeling over this made your stomach turn. There was no other way.

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