Pianist Fingers (NSFW/YG)

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You were laying on Yoongi's shoulder as he played the piano. Your eyes were closed as you appreciated the music, a small smile drew itself on your face unconsciously. He reached out for his bottle of water with one hand as he kept playing with the other and took a sip. You leaned into his ear inadvertently, eyes still shut tight and you whispered "play me like your piano" then kissed his neck teasingly.

He choked on his water as his hands slammed the keys in surprise. He cursed at the sight of his wet piano and your eyes shot open as you were startled. You looked at him and with a cringey expression on his face he pushed you off the bench. You caught yourself before falling on your butt and saw him rushing to get a cloth to dry the keys before the water sipped through the cracks.

You walked away embarrassed and sat on the couch by yourself, that was stupid you thought. Taking your phone out, you started scrolling through it mindlessly trying to distract yourself. Yoongi turned his head around to look at you, your legs were on the couch and your arm was wrapped around them as you laid your chin on your knees.

He looked back at his hands on the piano and he couldn't help but remember your words. He stretched his fingers and started playing again. His eyes followed their movement as they glided through the keyboard and the distracting thought came back. There's no way he was going to be able to focus without making it awkward now. He sighed with a frown and dropped his hands on his lap frustrated.

Yoongi got up and before walking out of the living room he said "I'll take a nap." You looked up at him for a second and you got up and innocently walked after him. You could use some sleep as well, you had been up 'til late last night. He had just laid down when he felt your body weigh down the other side of the mattress. He opened his eyes to see you lie down wearing just an oversized t-shirt you wore as pajamas.

Still embarrassed, you laid with your back to him. You hadn't got under the sheets, so his eyes scanned your body. Your hair hung over the side of your face, exposing your neck and part of your back as your loose fitting shirt draped over your shoulders. His eyes followed your curves as they went up and down, reaching your now bare legs where the hem modestly covered your arse. Then his gaze moved all the way down to your toes.

He blinked out of his trance and looked away to meet his hands which were laid next to his face. He was itching to touch you. He reached out and poked the nape of your neck with his index finger. You shifted slightly, but nothing more. He brushed your neck with the pads of all five of his fingers and ran them down to the space between your shoulder blades.

He traced the shapes of your bones and you shuddered, making him take his hand off momentarily. He placed it back on your waist and then ran his hand up to your uncovered shoulder and back down to your hips, his eyes following it all along. He tapped his fingers as he slid it along your side, craving to feel your skin underneath the fabric.

He ran his hand down your back and put it underneath the hem to lift your t-shirt as he placed his fingers at the top of your back and stroked you delicately. His index snaked down your spine slowly as his other fingers rested at the sides brushing the skin as his hand moved downward. He reached the end of your spine where your back dipped before curving up.

He pressed his palm against your skin and his hand curved over your underwear. He sneaked four fingers under the waistband and brushed your skin softly from side to side with the back of them, feeling the warmth radiating from your body. Sliding them out and onto your curves again. He drew the lines of your underwear around your butt with one finger and followed the curve where your cheeks meet your legs.

Running his nails lightly down your thigh, his fingers gripped it and brought your closer against his body. His hips pressed against yours. His hard-on underneath his clothes now throbbing behind you. He continued to caress your thigh in circles as he involuntarily pushed himself against you with little soft thrusts.

You moaned softly and he placed his hand under your navel in anticipation. His fingers took turns to pat your skin as he moved them up and down rhythmically. He tapped them in order, then alternating them, following silent melodies that played in his head. He then pressed his hand against your stomach and slid it underneath your underwear.

He nuzzled the nape of your neck and pressed a chaste kiss in between your shoulder blades as you kept uttering arousing sounds under his inebriating touch. He slipped a finger inside you reaching deeply and you wriggled underneath his hold whimpering. His lips brushed the top of your shoulder as he kissed you once more. He rested his mouth on it as he felt your breathing becoming more elaborate and slid in another finger.

You threw your head back and leaned against his fluffy hair, your eyes were almost closed and your lips were parted as your breathed through your mouth. Instinctively you moved up and down following his touch and grinding against him, making him groan softly against your skin. He added a third finger inhaling deeply and exhaling hurriedly through his nose as the tension built up in him when he felt it did inside of you.

He moved back slightly as he pulled his pants down and then rested back against you more comfortably. He growled at the feel of your body now closer to him and he ventured a fourth finger as he knew where to press down his thumb to now throw you to the edge as he felt he was getting close himself. You whimpered and moaned messily and he made a conscious effort to keep his moves from becoming too sloppy.

When you finally came around him, he let go and pressed you against him as he followed with his own orgasm. He moaned shyly against your back and groaned at the pleasurable sensations coursing through his body uncontrollably. Your rubbing against him as you rode your high made his specially satisfying.

He sighed and you felt his weight on your side as his tense muscles relaxed. You flopped on your stomach sleepily with his arm still wrapped around your lower abdomen. "You wanted to compete with my piano?" he whispered in your ear and chuckled "I think I'm a little too biased for that*" he added and you laughed softly.

 "You wanted to compete with my piano?" he whispered in your ear and chuckled "I think I'm a little too biased for that*" he added and you laughed softly

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I listened to "First Love" for the first time with subtitles and discovered it was about his piano! I was very very tempted to write this, oops. It's a shame the quality of the gif is so bad, but I couldn't find one that was better. I'm not sure where it is taken from, BTS World, maybe?

* Is Yoongi biased for you or his piano? Are you the bias wrecker or is it the piano? lmao

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