Rescue mission (YG)

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Inspired by MarsiLovesYou's "Three Days with J-Hope" ~

You were about to get into your car after leaving the BTS concert you had just attended. Your favorite band had finally come to town and it had been amazing, you were sad it was over, but grateful you had the chance to see them live at last.

The parking lot was almost empty now, you had waited at your seat until most people had exited to avoid the crowd, and had comfortably walked back to where you parked. You heard someone yell angrily and you turned around panicked. There was a guy a few feet away, you squinted, was he drunk or something? It was getting dark.

You anxiously rushed to get into your car until he said something you couldn't comprehend, the only thing you could make out is that it was Korean. Your eyes narrowed as you closed back the car's door and took a few steps in his direction. Trying to make out who he was.

Taking the umbrella you kept in your car for protection, you walked up to him. Excuse me? - You addressed the man hoping he'd understand. He grumbled but didn't look at you - do you need help? He finally turned around and you kept yourself from screaming in surprise.

Yoongi smiled widely amused at your shocked expression - hello, I'm lost - he said in his best English. What was your bias doing here all by himself and why did he look at you like that? Wasn't he shy around strangers? Your heart was pounding fast. Hey, why are you here? - you asked confused.

He chuckled and shrugged, the mocking smile not leaving his face. My face on your clothes? - he was looking at your chest unabashed now and you felt uncomfortable. Should you have felt flattered? You quickly pulled your zipper up embarrassed covering your Agust D t-shirt you had worn for the show.

Yoongi smirked and raised his index finger, walking behind one of the columns that separated the parking spots. He bent forward and unexpectedly retched. You froze and the color drained from your face, was he alright? He walked back to you nonchalantly smiling. Do you feel okay? - you asked worried. He nodded ignoring what just happened.

Follow me, I can help - you pointed at the stadium behind you where the band most likely had to be looking for him. You weren't sure what was up with him, but he wasn't acting like you would have expected. When you reached the arena, there was no one, the stage had been left prepared for the next day and there were no people in sight.

Do you know where to go? - you looked at him as he scanned the area. He scoffed - no - you gawked in disbelief. He said something in Korean, seeming angry. You stared at him puzzled - they left me - he whined. You couldn't believe it either, but you couldn't leave him here. You had a bad feeling.

Come on, are you staying at a hotel? - you tried to keep your sentences short enough for him to understand. He looked at you and narrowed his eyes - uh, yes? - he answered unsure of what your intentions were. I can drive you, what is the address? - he frowned and didn't answer.

Do you have your phone? - you tried, maybe he could call the guys. He shook his head no - I don't know you - Yoongi shot a suspicious look at you. You introduced yourself - I'm trying to help, you are lost - and repeated his words. He turned around and walked a few feet away, throwing up again behind some seats. I'm sick, sorry - he said averting your eyes.

It's ok. The address of your hotel? - you insisted. He looked at you - I don't know - he mumbled and walked past you. Where are you going? - you walked after Yoongi with a quick step still concerned about his well being. Your car? You can drive? - he mentioned your offer and you nodded catching up with him and walking at his side.

You couldn't help but stare at his profile for a little bit, he was so unbelievably close. He turned to look at you and chuckled - you know BTS? - he said and looked back ahead. I just saw your concert - you said and he nodded smiling to himself. It was very good, I loved it, thank you - you continued excitedly. So you're ARMY - Yoongi looked back at you and you blushed as he fixed his eyes on yours.

Being starstruck you lost your ability to talk, Yoongi pointed at the car you were passing on the left - is it yours? - you looked to where he was indicating feeling stupid as you were about to walk past it distracted by him. You turned to the left, unlocked it and got in. Yoongi's hand was on the door, but he was not moving. You looked back to see if anyone was there, but he seemed to be staring at the sunset.

You waited patiently and he climbed in, he put on his seat-belt and turned to you. Can I take you to the hospital? - you suggested and he was quick to reply - I'm fine. The police station? - you weren't sure where you could possibly drop him off. I'm innocent - he stated and caught you off guard. You laughed softly - no, that's not what I meant - he seemed amused, was he joking?

You took the highway and silently drove towards your place, where else could you go. All of this seemed surreal, BTS' Suga was sitting in the passenger's seat. He was a real person and he was weird. Or were you acting weird? You tapped your fingers on the wheel nervously and that called his attention. He observed you for a second, his mind was foggy and he couldn't think clearly, he wasn't sure what was wrong with him. His vision started blurring and he closed his eyes.

You glanced over at him and he had fallen asleep. Pulling over at your driveway, you called his name, but he didn't even flinch. You tried again and nothing. Cautiously placing your hand on his shoulder, you felt you hair stand on end. You shook it and he finally grumbled again - this is my house - you announced and he blinked and straightened himself to look out the window.

I don't know where to go - you said hoping he wouldn't be creeped out. He opened the door and boldly made his way to the entrance as if he owned the place. Suga? - you weren't sure what to call him, would Yoongi sound too personal? He opened the unlocked door and walked in just as you caught up.

He scanned the place and found the couches on your living room to the right, making his way to them and laying down. I have a bed - you offered and he giggled - I'm sorry, ARMY, I sleep alone - he answered misunderstanding you and you blushed furiously. You hurried to make it clear not to make him think you were that kind of fan girl - I have another room for you.

Oh - he looked at you with a sheepish smile and stood up intending to follow you. Offering him some blankets and pillows, you left him in the guest room and indicated him where the bathroom was in case he needed to use it. He nodded gratefully as you walked out, closing the door, and headed to yours.

You laid in bed staring at the ceiling. Min Yoongi was sleeping in the room across the hallway. How was this not a dream.

 How was this not a dream

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To be continued... 

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