Bad Timing (YG/Pt. 2)

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The band didn't take long to notice the ring on your finger. It was not flashy, Yoongi had picked something simple and delicate, but it was hard not to see when you rarely wore any jewelry. When they asked, he instinctively put his hand over yours covering your fingers.

"That doesn't look like a promise ring" Jin said after staring at your hand taken aback. "It can't be, he wouldn't" Jimin told the eldest in disbelief. The color on Yoongi's face turned a darker shade of pink with each comment. He hoped staying quiet and keeping a poker face would make them stop and somehow change the topic.

You laid against Yoongi's chest, his arms were wrapped around your waist as you both laid back on the armrest of one of the couches of the dorms. Following his lead, you kept a straight face. "You didn't knock her up, did you?" Namjoon joked light-heartedly and you felt Yoongi's body tense up. If teasing him about being engaged was bad, knowing why now made it 10 times worse.

When the question was directed to him, they all fell silent and looked his way when he didn't go off on them for saying something stupid. Yoongi held you tightly as he mentally panicked. He stared back at the members with wide eyes and an unreadable expression.

After a few seconds he yelled frustrated and groaned "leave me alone, why do you have to make it harder " he complained. "So, wait, which one is it?" Taehyung asked cheekily "did you or did you not?" Yoongi gave him a murderous glare and he forgot about getting an answer as he retreated.

"You did not ask for my permission to take his hand" Jin scolded you and they all burst out laughing. Your boyfriend hid his face on your neck and whispered "please, kill me now." Hobi was the first to stop joking "but, seriously, congratulations, you guys!" he said smiling brightly. He engulfed you both in a hug laughing softly in excitement. Yoongi whined "Hobi, please."

"Wow, congratulations, guys! Sorry I said that" Namjoon said scratching the back of his neck feeling like that was probably insensitive of him. You kept quiet about the fact that he was right, they didn't need to know just yet or Yoongi would probably combust in embarrassment.

"Congratulations, kids!" Jin said and ruffled your hair and your boyfriend's simultaneously with a big smile on his face. The maknae congratulated you both with a big smile and squeezed his hyung's shoulder affectionately. Jimin and Tae approached you cautiously, Yoongi looked at them in an unspoken warning.

Taehyung looked at you hoping for some sort of sign and you just smirked knowingly, which was enough to confirm his suspicion that you were actually pregnant. He hugged you happily and you knew just how excited he was for you. "Congratulations, hyung!" he said as he pulled away and looked at Yoongi with a box smile. Jimin echoed his words and they both walked back to the other couch.

"They are going to be insufferable" Yoongi groaned against his pillow that night. You stroked his back trying to comfort him and he continued with his rant "if this was bad, imagine when you start showing" he whined. "Maybe if we tell them before it catches them by surprise" you started and he cut you off "no" his voice stern.

You couldn't help but feel a little hurt that he wanted to hide this from everyone, but you tried to be understanding. He seemed to be under a lot of stress, so you always snuggled into one of his hoodies when you were around other people. He now had an extra one at his studio just for you.


Whenever you could, you slept in on Saturday morning and he'd cuddle up to you. Despite your complaining about your pants getting tighter, he didn't really notice much until you were a few months in. He circled his arms around your waist as he lazily kissed your neck and shoulder, for once you didn't feel as small as you were.

"Why did you stop?" you asked as he froze in place and you couldn't feel his lips on your skin anymore. "You feel different" he said as he ran his fingers along your lower belly feeling the small curve that wasn't there last time he hugged you. You chuckled and teased him "yeah, I'm pretty sure you were there when this happened."

"Shut up" he pleaded as he pressed his palms on your stomach and hid on the crook of your neck. You could feel his burning hot cheeks against your skin. Placing your hands over his, you intertwined your fingers and shortly after you both drifted off to sleep once more.


"I need to get you a bigger hoodie" he said as he stared at you in horror, you stomach was big enough the fabric curved around it slightly now. "This is getting ridiculous, Yoongi" you complained and interrupted him when he was going to protest "you have to tell the guys at least." He groaned, he knew the time was coming, but he wanted to keep it as far away as possible.

"Try this one" he said handing you the baggiest hoodie he had, you rolled your eyes and obliged. As you pulled it off your head he wondered when you'd become this big. You pulled from the hem to adjust it and he quickly bunched the fabric back up and around your stomach. "Stop that!" you scolded him "I've never been this big anyway, they'll know" and when that sank in he felt defeated, you were right.

You sat on the couch of the dance room trying to find a decent position, but no matter what you did, you were uncomfortable and impossible to hide. Taehyung looked at you concerned, he had been very attentive since he'd found out, but apart from texting and calling, he stayed away not to cause any problems with Yoongi.

He walked up to the couch to check on you. "Are you okay, noona?" Tae was about to reach out to you when Yoongi growled from the middle of the room where they were all discussing the choreography "Taehyung-ah, we are not done, come back here." You could tell he clearly didn't want him to come near you. You sighed and told Tae it was ok, turning him around to walk back giving him a little push.

You crossed your arms over your stomach frustrated and that only made your figure clearer. Yoongi walked up to you in a hurry with eyebrows furrowed. "What are you doing?" he asked clearly annoyed. "There's no possible way I can sit to not make this apparent" you whispered angrily at his tone. "Put your arms down" he demanded and when you refused you started wrestling each other like little children.

Everyone could clearly see how much he struggled as he couldn't get closer to your body anymore. Some of them had suspected what was going on already, but it was becoming more and more obvious and they were just waiting for Yoongi to say something at this point. He must have his reasons not to share it.

"Yoongi-ah!" Jin said exasperated and the younger one turned around glaring at him. "Don't you have to tell us something?" he said now calmly and unfazed by Yoongi's expression. He dropped his arms and stood up with his back to you instinctively trying to cover you, even though it was clearly over. "Why. It's pretty obvious, isn't it?" he mumbled and walked back to where the guys were.

 It's pretty obvious, isn't it?" he mumbled and walked back to where the guys were

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Just a few assorted scenarios, I couldn't think of one whole story.

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