What day is it again? (YG)

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When you woke up, Yoongi was not in bed. You rubbed your eyes as you sat at the side of the bed and putting on your hoodie and slippers, you walked to the living room. He was not there either, he really was gone. You felt disappointed and a little sad, but you figured something important must have come up so you didn't dwell on it.

You showered and got dressed a little less informal than usual as a little birthday treat to yourself, let your hair down for a change and put some light make up on. You wanted to feel good today. You dropped by your favorite cafe and picked up coffee and pastries to share with your boyfriend as he worked. You figured you could still spend time together even if he had to work.

You knocked the door of the Genius Lab and waited. "I'm busy, is it important?" Yoongi asked from the other side annoyed. "Uh, it's me, jagi" you said and only a brief moment passed before your boyfriend opened the door. You smiled widely but his expression didn't change "hey, what is it? why are you here?" he said exhausted even though it was only mid-morning now.

He looked at you up and down and noticed you looked different than usual, he sighed "did you do this for me? I really have a lot of work to do." You were confused "I brought breakfast for us" he looked at the cups of coffee and opened the door for you to walk in. You placed them on a little side table and put the bag of pastries down.

Yoongi grabbed his cup of coffee and sat back down at the computer instantly, his eyes fixed on the screen. You silently took yours and took a sip, thinking about how little attention you had got. You were expecting him to at least wish you a happy birthday or apologize for not being able to be there this morning as he had promised.

You took one of the pastries and offered it to him. He glanced at your hand briefly to see what you needed and shook his hand for you to have it, you took a bite out of it walking back to the small couch. You didn't want to be a baby about this, but you couldn't help but feel a little upset about his attitude.

Finishing your coffee, you took his empty cup and yours and threw them out on the trash next to Yoongi's desk. "Any plans for tonight?" you asked hopeful with a big smile. He looked at you with a raised eyebrow and a blank expression briefly and then looked back at the screen "no, I can't, this is due in three days" he said, his focus on his work and not you.

You furrowed your eyebrows and couldn't help but pout slightly "some other day then?" you tried, he furrowed his eyebrows, he wasn't sure why you were so eager to go out all of a sudden. He turned his head to look at you impatiently and placed his hand on your wrist "yeah, sure, whatever" then he took his eyes off you and back to his papers. He patted your hand "I really need to get this done, we talk later, okay?" you were annoyed now.

You picked up your things, dropped the bag with his pastry on his desk and left without a word. Yoongi paid no notice of how carelessly you threw the bag next to him or how the door was shut not so gracefully. Walking past one of the dance studios, you caught a glimpse of the guys and you stopped to greet them.

"Happy birthday!" they they all screamed happily when they saw you. You smiled a small smile "thank you, guys" you should have been happy, but the fact that they were more enthusiastic than your boyfriend kind of pissed you off. "Are you looking for Yoongi?" Hobi asked excited.

"No, actually, I'm just leaving, he's got a deadline in three days" you said, a pout forming on your face again unconsciously. "Oh, no, that's a shame" said Taehyung pouting too. "I'm sure he'll make it up to you later" added Jimin and smiled sympathetically. "Yeah, I don't know" you mumbled and turned around and headed for the door.

They were confused by your answer, but they figured you'd talked about it with your boyfriend already and continued with what they were doing. You decided to try and keep yourself busy the rest of the day. You hung out with some friends and tried not to think about what happened with Yoongi. You couldn't resist checking your phone from time to time, in case he texted anything, but he didn't and neither did you.

Late in the afternoon, Yoongi finally came out of his studio to get some coffee. He needed energy to stay up late and do as much of this as he possibly could to hand everything to the producers in time. When he entered one of the meeting rooms, he saw Hobi, Jimin and Jungkook were talking about some changes to be made in the choreography. He silently waited for the coffee machine to fill his cup.

"Hyung" Jungkook interrupted them for a second to talk to the eldest in the room. "Noona looked sad when she greeted us today, do you think you'll be held back much longer? Can we help?" Yoongi turned to look at him puzzled. The frown on his face made Jimin realize what was going on "it's noona's birthday" he informed him and Hobi shook his head in disbelief.

The events of the morning flashed through Yoongi's eyes as they widened "oh shit, shit, shit" he cursed as he ran out of the room leaving his coffee behind. He quickly shoved all his papers in his backpack, grabbed all of what he needed to keep working on and left the building.

Yoongi texted you as a taxi took him to your place.

"Where are you?"

"Out with friends" you replied shortly.

"Where? I'll meet you there."

You furrowed your eyebrows, being famous he usually avoided joining you when you met up with them. You sent him the address and focused back on the conversation, being a little mad still you didn't feel like giving him any more attention than you'd received.

"Oh my god, is that Suga?" one of your friends squealed and you looked across the café at the other side of the glass. Your boyfriend was indeed standing there in plain sight, his face mask hanging from his ear. Another one patted your arm excited "you weren't lying!! It's really him" she said and you shot a glare at her. "I mean, not that you'd lie to us, but it was hard to believe, you know?" she explained herself apologetically.

You stood up ignoring her and excused yourself, walking to the door. Yoongi looked at you with a sheepish smile, but you glared at him and pushed him to a side and out of sight of the crowded café's window. "Someone's going to see you" you said irritated. He chuckled "I don't care, I have important things to do" he said and you gave him another death stare. His work again? Why is he even here then?

He leaned in and kissed you sweetly "happy birthday, jagi" he said pulling away, his cheeks flushed. "I'm sorry about this morning, I've been so focused on this project I didn't even know what day it was" he mumbled looking away embarrassed. "We can still do something tonight if you want to" he offered tilting his head and pouting cutely for you. Your expression softened and you giggled. He smirked smugly for a second happy the aegyo worked, but when you looked up at him he dropped the face immediately.

"What do you have in mind?" you asked excited. "It's your birthday, how about we do whatever you want to do?" he said charmed by how adorable you looked when happy. "Oh! We can go to that cat café" you suggested "the cute pink one?" he asked concerned making a face. You nodded and dragged him by his arm taking him down the street. Quickly waving goodbye at your friends through the glass, they'd understand. Yoongi walked reluctantly after you, but was ultimately satisfied when he saw how much you enjoyed yourself.

 Yoongi walked reluctantly after you, but was ultimately satisfied when he saw how much you enjoyed yourself

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So, since I'm struggling I guess the members will come in whatever random order the ideas come in, sorry, eek!

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