Kissing instructor (JK)

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Inspired by pixxie-pix's The Kiss Teacher  ❤ ~

Jungkook and you had met at a friend's party and you had become good friends, you thought he was surprisingly down-to-earth to be an idol. You were skeptical at first, your mutual friend had told you he was a nice guy and not big-headed as you would have expected him to come across as, considering he is called "golden maknae" because apparently, he's good at everything.

You were gym buddies so you met up twice a week when you went to exercise, even though he seemed to be there basically every day or every other day from what you could tell. When he saw you come in through the door he waved at you with a cute toothy smile.

You changed into your work out clothes, put away your duffel bag in one of the lockers and walked back to where Jungkook was. Hey there, Kook, how are you? - you asked patting his back. Hey, everything okay - he said a little out of breath from just having put down some weights.

Um, can I ask you for a favor? - you said hesitantly. Mmm, sure, if I can help - he growled as he lifted the weights over his head again. I, uh, have a date this weekend and you know - you started and he put down the weights on the floor and turned to look at you curiously. You're good at everything, right? - he chuckled at your statement and shook his head - no, not really...I mean, it's not effortless - he scratched the back of his sweaty neck.

You continued without minding his words - would you make out with me? - you blurted out and he stared at you in shock. Looking at his expression you continued hurriedly - I don't think I'm any good and I don't want to embarrass myself in front of this guy, he sounds promising - you finished and Jungkook snapped out of his state and doubled over laughing.

He felt so embarrassed, he had to hide his face in his hands. He never expected you to say that and it made him feel really awkward. Truth is he had a small crush on you, but he didn't want to act on it, since he had to focus on his music and really didn't have time for it anyway. Plus you were good friends and he didn't want to push you away making you uncomfortable.

I don't think I can do that, I'm sure you're fine - he finally said hoping his face wasn't flushed still, giving him away. Please, Kook, I'm sure I can learn something? - you begged him and he laughed awkwardly looking at your puppy eyes. I don't know - he thought for a minute, maybe just to kiss you once, since he couldn't have you. He felt jealous of whoever this guy was for a second, that he was so special you wanted to do this.

Fine, I don't know if I'm that good though - he chuckled and he knew his cheeks were inevitably burning now. You did a little excited jump and hugged him - thank you, thank you, I owe you - you squealed and he felt guilty that he was doing this for his own selfish reasons. He wouldn't stop you from being with someone else, that would be ridiculous, he wanted to help. But then again maybe he wouldn't have if it wasn't because he wanted to.

Jungkook was rather awkward for the rest of the hour you exercised together, he kept looking at you while you were focusing on your routine. You were so into it you didn't notice though. He was feeling very nervous, he usually could be himself just fine around you, hiding his feelings. Should he tell you he changed his mind? He was staring blankly at the ceiling, then the wall as he did his crunches, losing count.

Kook? - you called him for the third time and he came back. He laid his arms on his now propped up knees and looked up at you - oh, sorry - he apologized for being distracted. I'll shower and meet you in the locker room in a little bit for our little session, okay? - you winked flirtatiously, turned around and walked away before he could answer. He was left there gawking at you.

Shit, this was a bad idea, he thought as he grabbed his towel and water bottle and walked to the men's showers. He showered and changed into his clothes, but he could still feel his hands sweating. He ran them through his hair looking at himself in the mirror with a judging frown before heading to the locker room.

Jungkook didn't have a second to mentally prepare himself, as soon as he came in you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him. He held your waist in an attempt not to fall down. Your lips were warm and plush and he couldn't help but bite them softly in between kisses. You trapped his bottom lip in between yours and his tongue made his way to meet yours. After a few minutes the kiss was becoming intense as you both breathed heavily.

He pulled away before getting to a point he'd regret it by embarrassing himself, he was already feeling way more aroused than he was comfortable with. So? - you said ignoring the awkward face he was making. I-I don't think you need my help - he said smiling sheepishly and cleared his throat trying to fill in the silence. Oh, really? If BTS' golden maknae says so - you joked surprised and nudged him playfully. He chuckled and ruffled his hair not knowing what to do with his shaky hands.

Thank you so much! - you said and kissed his cheek gratefully, he thought you were done with contact and was caught off guard. You turned around to pick up your bag, he looked at you up and down as you bent over to open one of the lower lockers. Blinking rapidly while trying to focus and stop furiously overthinking as you got up and turned back to him.

I'll see you Tuesday and tell you how it went - you said, patting his chest affectionately and walking out of the room. He sat on the bench and put his face in his hands, he should have listened to his head instead of answering to his initial impulse, he cursed under his breath.

His feelings weren't as easy to deal with anymore, not after how you kissed. He didn't know how he was going to look at you knowing you were making out like that with some other guy. The man would be an idiot if he walked away from you.

 The man would be an idiot if he walked away from you

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