Rescue mission (YG/Pt. 2)

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Yoongi felt his stomach turn and flew out of bed and made a run for the bathroom, however, he ended up inside a closet and puking into a bag. Wasn't the bathroom on this side of the room? he thought as he pressed his palms on his eyes trying to keep his heavy head from pounding.

He looked around, this was not his hotel room. His eyes widened as he stood up and walked out of the closet. Where was he? He walked to the door and opened it, he wasn't even in a hotel. This was someone's house.

He stepped out and as he tried to identify his surroundings, he met your eyes. His stomping across the room had woken you up and you were wrapped in a robe about to check on him. You took a step towards him and he yelled something in Korean. Suga? - you said softly, worried at the panicked expression on his face as you took another step.

Stay away! - he yelled and you stood still. His heart was beating fast, you could see his chest moving up and down agitated. He seemed to be even more lost than before. Are you okay? Can I help? - you asked. Who are you? - he spat out with a look of disgust now.

Your eyebrows furrowed and you introduced yourself again - I'm part of ARMY, it's okay. You said as you started to walk towards him with a small smile. He ran down the hallway and found himself in front of the main door, he tried to open it, but it was locked.

With only a few seconds of delay, you were standing across from him, holding up his pants. He looked down at himself and saw he was only wearing his t-shirt and underwear. His face burned as you threw the pair in front of him and turned around. He slid into them quickly without taking his eyes off you. Were you a sasaeng? How did he end up here?

He remembered the weird taste of his bottle of water and gagged, you turned around fast at the sound. Did you drug me?? - he accused you with a threatening frown. No! Of course not! - you said defensively, he seemed to be recovering his senses. You were walking idly in the parking lot and you were lost - you explained.

He thought he got the idea of what you were saying and vaguely remembered the day before. The concert was over, he was handed a towel and a bottle of water. He chugged it down and before he could get to his dressing room, he started feeling dizzy. Why am I here? - he demanded and you answered trying to calm him down - everyone left and you didn't want to go anywhere.

He had another flashback, a young woman was trying to pull him across the parking lot towards a van. She had come out of nowhere when he started feeling sick and kept saying something he couldn't understand, she spoke too fast. He broke free and ran away, the woman yelling after him, but he didn't turn around.

When he tried to find his way he didn't know where to go and everything was spinning around him. He was now standing in the middle of the parking lot and screamed in frustration. But this person hadn't been you. He pressed his hands on his temples trying to soothe the splitting headache.

He was startled when you approached him and spoke - do you feel sick still? - he looked at you and there was genuine concern in your expression. My head - he said and you nodded and took a little box out of a drawer in the open kitchen. You handed it to him so he could inspect it.

Yoongi recognized the word ibuprofen and popped out one of the pills. He followed you to the kitchen and watched your moves carefully. You were going to pour water from a jug, but he stopped you - tap water. Putting it back in the fridge, you closed it and walked to the sink instead to fill his glass and hand it to him.

Thank you - he said warily as he took the painkiller you offered. His eyes followed you as you sat down on the couch and waited for him. He put his glass down on the counter that was facing the living room and walked towards you hesitantly. He was piercing you with his stare, but you didn't flinch.

This looked more like him than his previous state. Had someone really drugged him before you found him? The bag in your closet - he tried to tell you something - I am very sorry. You weren't sure what he was talking about, you waved your hand brushing it off and he nodded assuming it was no big deal.

Yoongi tried to explain what he remembered so you could complete the missing pieces of his story. You managed to make each other understand despite the language barrier. He was mostly quiet in interviews from what you had seen, but he seemed to have a decent understanding of the English language.

Thank you, ARMY - he finally said with a small smile when everything was cleared up. You smiled back at him, your heart skipped a beat. You had woken up and he was still here, it was not all a crazy dream. You looked at your watch, it was only 5 am even though you were both wide awake. His stomach growled as he started feeling better.

Do you want some breakfast? - you asked giggling at the noise, but you hadn't had dinner after all, you were hungry too. He cleared his throat and once again stood up expecting you to head to the kitchen to walk after you.

Namjoon had had a restless night of sleep. Shortly after the concert was over, Yoongi had texted him that he'd meet them at the hotel. All the members of the band and the staff had left without giving it a second thought, but he was starting to worry. They expected him to be in his room when they got there, but he was nowhere to be found. Where could he have gone?

Yoongi's cellphone buzzed on the concrete at the parking lot where the sasaeng had disposed of it. The messages the leader had sent since last night unread.

 The messages the leader had sent since last night unread

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