The guy with the piercing stare (TH/Pt. 2)

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Just give me a minute, then we can go - Taehyung told the younger one and patted his shoulder as he looked elsewhere, your way. He made his way through the crowd and when he was about to get to the other side of the room to you, he saw another guy approach you. He stood still for a second behind just the few people he had left to walk past, somewhat hidden.

Do you want to dance, beautiful? - he asked flirtatiously to your stone cold face - no, I'm fine - your replied totally unfazed. Oh come on, why not? You're here all alone - the guy whined in a way he might have thought was cute, but you just looked exasperated. Tae gulped at this exchange, maybe he shouldn't mess with you. Why was he so invested though, he wondered. It was definitely curiosity, at the prospect of someone different, he concluded.

He walked closer to your face and you looked away uncomfortable, looks like Tae wasn't the only one whose personal bubble was constantly being ignored. Why won't you look at me? - the guy insisted despite your rejection. I don't want to - you said hoping he'd get off your face, but he was relentless. You clenched your teeth, this was normal to you, but you'd never get used to it. You were afraid if you turned to him, he'd try something stupid.

He put his hands on either side of you on the wall and caged you. You looked panicked as you tried to find your friend in between all the guests. Hoping you could land your pleading eyes on her and she'd notice something was wrong. You slipped from underneath his arms and tried to walk away. Hey! Where are you going? - the guy did not want to give up.

Maybe you should listen to her, she's not interested - a deep voice that made you weak at the knees said and you turned around wide eyed at whoever this person was. No one had defended you before, not that you needed saving, but they usually always blamed you and told you you were the one in the wrong.

Your eyes met the piercing dark ones that had been pointedly watching you all night. Great, it was heartthrob playing his little game of saving the damsel in distress to lure her in. You couldn't help but be disappointed it was more of the same. You rolled your eyes and turned around determined to find your friend and beg her to leave. You were too uncomfortable and done with this night.

Hey! Wait - you heard his grave voice again, unstable from him being shoved around, and a shudder went up your spine. Why did he have to be the kind of man that has that voice that drives you up the wall. You wondered what his singing was like, he was part of a band right? You loved listening to artists with this special kind of deep voice that ranges from that to high. Damn, where did your mind even go? Where is your friend?

Can I talk to you for a minute? - he said as he still followed you. You stopped at the other corner of the room frustrated that you had no idea where your friend was and you looked around the dance floor intently. The flashing lights of color made it hard to really identify her in between the moving bodies. You sighed as Tae stood next to you.

Are you okay? - he said. Just fine, I'm used to that - you replied coldly. He cocked an eyebrow - oh, me too - and you looked at him making a face, he wanted to play with you, oh, you'd play. Men crushing you against walls and demanding mutual interest? - you said smirking.

He chuckled, you're a tease, interesting. He gave you a sinful smirk that was way too attractive as you held his gaze under his bangs. He shook his head slightly to free his eyes from the locks. Women having zero idea of the concept of personal space and touching me as if they had a right - he shot back and you froze for a second at his familiar wording.

You crossed your arms and looked back to the dancing couples, inspecting them once more. Ah, it almost sounds like you're not all for that - you commented without looking. No - is all he said firmly. You glanced back at him to see the expression on his face, he looked irked. Maybe he did understand. Why do you expose yourself to that then? - you asked curiously, he should expect that unwanted attention being a band member and looking like that.

He side-glanced at you - because I have to, sometimes - he said shaking his head in frustration. I feel that in my soul - you said as you gave up looking for your friend. You thought for a second where could be the next place where she could be. Tae silently stood there, looking at you from time to time. What does he want, you wondered impatiently, you didn't have time to deal with yet another person and you honestly weren't up for small talk.

You finally caught a glimpse of your friend in a group of people, talking to some smiley guy. Oh, there she is - you muttered to yourself. Tae looked up and saw your friend was probably the one Kookie was talking to. Oh, that's my band-mate - he informed you just to have something to say really. More band members to egg him on? Brilliant, you thought annoyed.

He looked at you and then to his friend, you didn't walk up to yours as he had expected. You probably didn't want to get involved with a bunch of people when you were trying to get her back. Hold on - he said looking at you briefly and then making his way through the dance floor as if it was an obstacle course.

He came back shortly with both his friend and yours. Hey! - she said all excited and you gave her a death stare. I see you've been talking to Taehyung here, he told me you were looking for me. This is Jungkook - she introduced you two and looked at you with a subtle smile of complicity. For god's sake, no, she had it all wrong as usual.

I was trying to find you to let you know I should go - you burst her bubble. Oh, well, we could definitely hang out again some other time - she said looking at Jungkook with a smile, then at Tae and then at you and back to him. The maknae looked as excited as her - ah yes, that would be nice, right, hyung? - he looked over at him who looked unamused.

In turn Tae looked at you to see what your reaction to this awkward interaction was. You looked as excited as he was, not at all. I don't think so, maybe you two - he offered trying to get both you and him out of the situation as this clearly wasn't the way. You gave him a small relieved smile and he felt proud he had got that out of you, he didn't think he'd see you smile at all.

He held his straight face simply acknowledging you and kept his own smile to himself not to repeat his earlier mistake. Jungkook and your friend seemed to be okay with hanging out some other time on their own. Tae stood there with his hands in his pockets thinking about how he had stopped this situation from happening to make you comfortable, but had eliminated the chance to see you again.

You were more relaxed now and looked satisfied that you had got out of that situation though. Maybe that small smile was worth it, he thought for a second. But he wanted to see you again, it was not enough. You caught the small pout on his lips just from briefly looking at him.

When your friend and Jungkook had exchanged numbers and had finished discussing their agendas to set a day, she announced she was ready to go. Tae nodded as the younger intended to get going as well. You turned around and smiled warmly at him - bye Taehyung - then looked at Jungkook and said goodbye to him as well.

He paused for a second before looking at Jungkook, this smile had been even more relaxed than the first grateful tight one. Tae was briefly satisfied, maybe you liked him a little more than that guy that had caged you unnecessarily. Hyung? - he snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Jungkook who looked confused - I thought you were interested? Was she not worth it? Tae's mouth was shaped like an "o" - I don't think that's what she would have liked.

The maknae looked at him even more puzzled - how would you even know? You don't really know her - he continued and his friend replied immediately - I think I have an idea of how she is - looking at himself reflected on you. He couldn't be as openly bothered by others though, you were free to do so.

 He couldn't be as openly bothered by others though, you were free to do so

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I have no idea where this is going, I hope it's interesting at least. Will be continued...

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