Internalizing Your Character (NSFW/TH)

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Taehyung came in your apartment looking livid, you looked away from the tv and stood up to go greet him and your face dropped at the sight. He grabbed your wrist violently, stopping you from touching his shoulder and getting closer to him.

Tae? - you said frowning and the corner of his lip twitched. He dragged you across the house and you resisted as you tripped over your feet, protesting uselessly as he paid no notice of your state. What's wrong? - you pleaded looking at him and he raised and eyebrow and smirked.

Pushing you onto the bed, he looked at you intently as he undid his belt and dropped it to the floor nonchalantly. What are you waiting for? - he said with a raspy tone of voice. As he undid the buttons of his shirt, he stared at you with piercing eyes waiting for you to move but you stayed still in shock.

He pulled the shirt off irritated and grabbed your wrist once more, pulling you up on your feet. Are you going to take off your clothes? - he asked again impatiently and you averted his eyes. Fine - he said frustrated and started undressing you himself. His touch was comparatively careful, he brushed his fingers softly across your skin as he removed your clothes.

Once you were completely naked, he looked at you up and down and bit his bottom lip. He took your hand and curled his arm around you making you spin around for him. Why do you do this to me? - he said slightly irritated.

He approached you menacingly and you stumbled and fell back on the bed as he climbed on it and hovered over you. He gripped your hip with one hand as he unbuttoned his pants with the other, staring down at you lustfully with hooded eyes. I've been waiting all week for this moment - he said and chuckled darkly.

I'm going to let you pick though, what do you want to do to me - he looked at you waiting for your answer. He furrowed his eyebrows when you didn't say anything and leaned in your ear - I choose then? - he whispered with a smug smile on his face, biting on your neck harshly. You winced and he pulled back for a second. When you didn't move he continued.

He reached down with his hand and lightly brushed you with two fingers, he hummed and nodded approvingly as he made eye contact with you. It's not fair - he said and you furrowed your eyebrows - give me a hand then. You reluctantly brought his pants down and he closed his eyes as you touched him, smirking satisfied.

When he felt ready he took your hand away from him - you know, I want to see that pretty face of yours - he said smirking cockily. He held your waist and slid your body to the center of the bed without taking his eyes off you.

He placed his index finger underneath your chin and made you look up at him, he pecked you softly and nuzzled you. He pulled away expressionless as you looked in his eyes trying to find any trace of your boyfriend. Tae - you tried again and he brought his finger to his lips indicating you to stay silent.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes having second thoughts about this whole thing. He looked down at you with knitted eyebrows, his eyes softer. He tried to read you concerned and you placed your hand on his cheek. He leaned onto you and kissed you sweetly - I'm sorry - he said and snuggled in the crook of your neck.

You stroked his hair lovingly and rubbed his back trying to comfort him - it's okay, you don't have to do it - you whispered in his ear. Was it okay though? - he asked and you chuckled. You were scary for sure, I almost believed you - you answered seriously. You looked scared - you could hear the pout as he talked.

I was entranced in my performance - you said and laughed softly. He kissed your neck - if I ever do anything like that, kick me hard and run - he looked at you with regretful eyes. Tae, did it really affect you that much? - you asked cupping his cheeks and looking at him. He looked down ashamed of himself.

Aw no, you're such a good actor, that's all - you kissed his cheek and chuckled. I think you were very immersed in your role too - you teased him trying to get a smile out of him. He hugged you tightly and you held each other for a while. You regretted this silly game seeing how much it bothered him.

You brought his face to yours and kissed his lips sweetly a few times until he finally responded. I love you - you said pulling away slightly. He echoed your words and held you tighter as he deepened the kiss passionately. Your lips curled at the sides as you could feel him relaxing at last.

You held his upper arms as he kissed your neck delicately and made his way in and out of you in the most gentle way possible. You pushed him to a side and climbed on top of him, kissing his neck instead and whispered honeyed words to soothe him.

He moaned softly underneath you and you laid on him as you came together. Tae threw a blanket over you and wrapped his arms around your waist holding you close. Do you promise you'll kick me? - he asked softly. What? You'd never do that - you said but he insisted - okay then, I promise, hard kick and run - you chuckled and he kissed your cheek and sighed relieved.

So you don't want the Academy Award? - he shook his head and you laughed softly.

So you don't want the Academy Award? - he shook his head and you laughed softly

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This is me rejecting all aggressive fanfiction of Taehyung, lol, I can't do it. I genuinely had a change of heart and made him stop instead of revealing it was an act at the end. Oops. It just sounds so out of character.

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