Singing in the shower (JM/Pt. 2)

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Most of the evening the guys talked about singing in general and asked you multiple questions, they were curious about whether you had had lessons, when the first time you had sang had been, your favorite artists.

They were just as excited as Jimin and you know they meant well, but you ended up with a headache and more crushing pressure to live up to their expectations and not just your boyfriend's now. You admired all of them so much and each of the vocals were amazing, the fact that Jimin had told them you had potential had them waiting eagerly to hear the song.

You were invited to stay for the night, but you needed a break. You asked Jimin to please take you home, he wasn't sure why you'd turn down the offer, but a car picked you two up. You were quiet during the ride. He took your hand in his and held it tightly.

Do you want me to stay over? - he asked shyly as he walked you to your apartment's door. No, it's okay, jagi. I just need to get some sleep, I'll feel better tomorrow - you said blaming it all on feeling physically unwell, not to make Jimin worry about the emotional side of it. You didn't want to talk about that part. You pecked him before opening your door and saying goodbye.

Jimin tried not to worry too much, he was worried about how you were feeling and he knew sleep would take care of that part, but he noticed you didn't look much better than when you left the studio. He hoped it was just exhaustion and everything would be fine in the morning.

The next morning you woke up to a cute selfie from him wishing you a good day, you usually loved this, but today you were not in the mood. Your thoughts instantly went back to the previous day and how stressful it had been once you saw it.

Jimin saw you had seen the message but there was no reply, he frowned, this was not like you. He decided to give you some space and not overthink about it. In the evening you still hadn't said anything so he texted you.

- Are you okay?

- Yeah, don't worry, I've just been busy - you replied and took a selfie to prove it.

When it sent you looked at it and you looked terrible, maybe that was a bad idea. You deleted the message just before it could be seen.

- What was that? - Jimin asked curiously, why would you remove anything you said.

- Nothing, it was an accident - you lied.

- There's something you don't want to tell me - he insisted and you gritted your teeth.

Seen and ignored, Jimin sighed frustrated.

The next day he sent another photo saying good morning, but it was his Chimmy plush. You couldn't help but smile - morning ChimChim - you replied. So you're talking to Chimmy and not me? - he replied playfully. Sorry - is all you typed back feeling guilty.

You drank your coffee as your phone beeped again, another message - are we still meeting at the studio tonight? You were dreading it, yet you still wanted to make him happy - yeah. Another short text, it still was not like you, Jimin was starting to worry. Had the guys said anything to upset you that night?

Later that evening you were recording again and it still wasn't going well, you were very anxious and there was no way for your boyfriend to calm you down. You started crying in frustration once more. Jimin stood up and walked over to you, hugging you from behind, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your neck - it's okay - he tried to comfort you.

No, it's not! I'm sorry, I can't do this - you said irritated. I believe in you! - he said, but you lashed out at him - no, I said I can't! - you walked out irritated and feeling terrible for not being able to do this for him no matter how hard you tried. But you just couldn't, it wasn't going to happen and unfortunately he had to accept that.

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