Interrogatory (HS/Pt. 2)

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When you came back to the living room you saw your boyfriend and brother in complete silence, both looking very serious. You sat next to Hobi concerned - so, have you been getting to know each other? - you asked cheerfully and they both looked at you unamused. Have you talked about your rapping? - you offered knowing your brother liked the genre.

He raised an eyebrow - rapping? - he asked and Hobi looked up at his quirked eyebrows. Yeah, I'm one of the rappers of the band, apart from the main dancer as I was telling your father - he said calmly. He's really good, his style is very unique - you chimed in trying to encourage the conversation between the two. Your brother choked and laughed softly and Hobi frowned, what was this guy's problem. An idol group, but with rappers? - he asked amused.

Yes! He released a mixtape a few years ago, look - you said looking for the tracks on your phone and playing them for him. You put your phone on the coffee table as "Hope World" played. Your brother stared at the phone listening intently and your boyfriend looked at him trying to read his face. The song finished and he looked up nodding but didn't say anything.

What's your problem? - Hobi looked up startled at your sudden annoyance, you were talking to your brother. What do you mean? - he chuckled. Can't you try to be nice to my boyfriend? - you shot at him angry that he was playing dumb. Hobi placed his hand on your shoulder - it's okay, jagi, don't talk to your brother like that - he asked nicely to avoid an argument between you two.

Your brother was surprised - and why do I need defending? - he said irritated at what he said to you. For god's sake, Hobi thought, what does this guy want from him. He wasn't even trying to do him any favors. How do I even know you care about my sister? - he asked bluntly. Your boyfriend took a deep breath and looked at him seriously, it was intimidating, but not hateful.

I'm an honest man, very transparent, ask me anything you need to know - Hobi offered boldly, he really had nothing to hide. Your brother was caught off guard, anything? Was he stupid or could he actually be a decent guy? He wasn't convinced, he was going to push him to the edge.

Why are you dating my sister when you could be dating women in the industry? - he asked and you looked at him with wide eyes. What the hell is that supposed to mean? - you spat at your brother offended. Were you not pretty enough? What is with him tonight? Hobi placed his hand on your thigh trying to calm you down, without taking his eyes off your brother.

I date a person, not their career - your boyfriend answered calmly even though he knew he was referring to their looks and fame, he was not superficial like that. What if you knock her up? - your brother asked and you cringed - oh god, what...?! - you protested, but Hobi answered unfazed. I'm a father - he retorted stating what for him was obvious, but obviously not for your brother. You blushed furiously, why are they doing this to you.

Would you keep it from the public? - trick question, Hobi thought, did he want to hear he kept his life private or that he wasn't ashamed of having you in his life? Our relationship is not a secret, the company and I agreed to release a statement about it - he said trying to see what the follow up question would be. Your brother's face softened and Hobi smirked briefly.

Have you been harassed because of it? - your brother turned to you, you were in shock at this whole exchange. I'm fine - you said coldly. I make sure she's safe and I'd do the same for my future family - Hobi added to your words. You hadn't even talked that far ahead into the relationship between you two, you wanted the Earth to swallow you.

You're actually not that bad, I'm surprised - your brother finally said with a small satisfied smile. Not that bad?! The man was scrutinized and asked things that could make any guy run away. He still could disappear after this, you realized and the panicked expression on your face was caught by Hobi. He smiled sweetly at you and took your hand, you looked up to meet his reassuring gaze.

Your brother observed this quietly, this didn't sound like a lot of bullshit, unless he is an actor. Are you an actor too? - he asked needing to check. Hobi chuckled - no, I'm a performer. I'm no good at pretending or hiding secrets, for that matter. As I said, I'm very open - he said confidently now that your brother was more relaxed. He nodded relieved by your boyfriend's answer and smiled again. Hobi smiled back at him.

Your mother called you, dinner was ready. You sat in the dining room and as you enjoyed dinner, your boyfriend happily talked to your parents. They seemed to be very interested in him and his work and you felt relieved that they didn't judge him for it. They just cared about the person behind it and whether he was a good guy, just like you did.

Your brother was protective of you, but he usually kept to himself, so he listened quietly and nodded acknowledging the information that was being shared. You knew he meant well, but you thought that was not the right way to go about it. It was over now, so you decided to let it go, unless he decided to give Hobi a hard time again.

Apart from that tense moment, the evening was very pleasant. You were getting ready to leave, Hobi put on his coat, scarf and took his bag, then said goodbye to your parents - it was a pleasure to meet you - he said and your dad shook his hand in agreement, while your mom hugged him like his own son. She knew how much you loved him and she was very happy.

Hobi walked up to your brother and extended his hand with a bright smile once again. Your brother looked at it briefly, then extended his and returned the handshake with a shy smile. I promise to take good care of your little sister - Hobi said with a little nod. You'd better - your brother replied and chuckled, he was serious, but it was not a threat.

As you walked down the street hand in hand, Hobi sighed relieved and smiled contently. Your brother - he started and chuckled, you cut him off - I'm really sorry about him, he's never like that - apologizing for his behavior. It's okay, he really seems to care about you and I'm glad he'd be ready to protect you like that - he said looking at you with a sweet expression on his face.

But that's what you're here for - you pointed out and he giggled, kissing your forehead lovingly. There's no need for him to worry about any other man hurting me anymore - you said looking up at Hobi and he smiled widely as he kept looking ahead. No, he planned to be by your side the moment he wanted to have a relationship with you and just as you seemed to imply, he wasn't going anywhere.

 No, he planned to be by your side the moment he wanted to have a relationship with you and just as you seemed to imply, he wasn't going anywhere

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Let's have a moment to do some pink haired Hobi appreciation, aah. Haha.

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