Secret Collaboration (HS/Pt. 2)

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rapgirl: Oh god, I am so sorry if I offended you with my username, I was just a stupid teenager

Ddawg: you didn't, it's okay, it was funny

rapgirl: it was such an honor to collaborate with you, I can't believe you'd contact me out of all people, it's...I have no words, thank you so much

Ddawg: I'm still Ddawg to you, you don't need to treat me different, please

Since then you stayed in contact and you always went by your stage names, at least his secret one and yours. Your YouTube channel became so popular you were actually able to pursue your career in music and dedicate to it full-time. And it was all thanks to Hobi, your biggest fan.

Your song ranked high in several charts and was reproduced millions of times. It became so popular you were now traveling to South Korea to film an MV for it together with Hobi. You were going to meet your bias. Your teen self would have died from a heart attack the day you met.

You felt a little stronger, but your inner fangirl seemed to be coming to the surface again and you felt embarrassed by it. You'd heard one did stupid things when starstruck, you prayed it wouldn't happen to you, but how did you know it wouldn't.

A man waited at the airport for you, he held a sign with your name so you could identify him. He apologized on behalf of Hobi for not being able to make it himself, but he would bring you to him. You got off the fancy black car and you took in the building in front of you. Big Hit Entertainment. All of this felt like a dream even if you'd been in contact with Hobi for over half a year.

The man walked you to were the band was, apparently they were practicing for a performance happening this week. He indicated the room and you walked out of the elevator alone. You walked in the room and when Hobi saw you he smiled from ear to ear and dropped everything excited.

Yo rapgiiiiiirl! - he greeted you as if introducing you to a crowd. Sup, dawg? - you replied in the same style. He laughed happily and you hugged. I can't believe you're here! - he said, eyes wide as he was still breathing heavily from practice. I can't believe you're Jung Hoseok - you said gawking at him. He chuckled - Ddawg, I'm your friend Ddawg - he insisted.

He introduced you to the guys as best as he could, he'd been practicing hard on his English since he didn't have time to form his sentences like he did online. Namjoon and Yoongi actually complimented you on your skills and you felt like they were being too nice, but Hobi assured you they had been following you for as long as he did since you collaborated.

He even mentioned Yoongi encouraged him to contact you and you felt like you owed everything to him. You shook his hand eagerly and he chuckled, insisting he really did nothing, you had impressed Hobi yourself without his help. These guys, they were so nice, they really were.

You started recording the next day as Hobi thought you were probably tired and jet-lagged from your long flight. He was very considerate, he got a room for you at a hotel right around the corner of the studio and insisted on covering all the expenses of your stay.

After talking for a bit, you agreed on how you wanted to go about it and decided to change the intro up a bit, he'd call out both your stage names, but this time he'd use J-Hope due to marketing purposes.

He looked at you as they played the song for you both, waiting to hear his cue to start, he laughed knowingly and suddenly he loudly called out your name - JUNG'S HOOOOOE... - he yelled on the microphone loud and clear and you froze - ...SEOK, J-HOPE, BTS - he finished making just the necessary pause and then speeding up his speech at the end.

You looked at him with wide eyes, but you couldn't interrupt the recording. GIRL'S RAP IT BEST, RAP, RAP IT, GIRL. RAPGIRL, YO! - he finished and you smiled amused and rather embarrassed still. He gave you a thumbs up and you returned it getting reading to come in with your verse.

He nailed the intro in one go, but you spent a few hours perfecting the song itself. Once you were satisfied with it, you left it for the team to do the editing and walked out. That bit of your intro, you betrayed me - you said wanting to know what that was about. He laughed - it's our little inside joke, right? - he said smiling amused.

I knew you'd ask, I learned about "inside joke" to answer - he said making a face and smiling sheepishly soon after. It's definitely the right answer, dawg - you said - I would have probably been pissed - he side-glanced at you and you both burst out laughing.

You went out for dinner with the band and you all talked about your music and your projects, it was a lovely evening. One you would have never dreamed of in your wildest dreams. You were making your sad teenage self proud right now. The one that learned to love herself because of them.

Hobi dropped you off at the hotel and then caught up with the guys, you said your goodbyes  and turned in for the night. You'd start shooting tomorrow and according to him, if you worked hard you could get it done in a day or two, but it was certainly going to be exhausting.

The first day of filming went well, you were aiming for a colorful and flashy video to go with the upbeat theme of the song. You felt so weird with the professional feel of it all, you got a really cool outfit, your hair was styled and your make up done. It was all surreal to you.

It didn't go by unnoticed by Hobi. Are you enjoying yourself? - he asked with a big smile, the whole collaboration made him so happy. He felt like not only had he put together something with a talented artist, he had also gained a friend, helped you and opened a whole lot of doors and opportunities for you. You deserved it, he was sure now that he knew you.

You replied excited - this is a dream come true, Hobi - you said naturally and then froze. Sorry, Ddawg - you corrected yourself - it's fine, you can call me Jung's Hoseok too - he said messing with you making sure to pause when saying his first name. He just wanted to be himself to you, as long as he wasn't BTS' J-Hope, international celebrity, and you treated him like that, he was satisfied.

After that, he started calling you by your actual name, which he had surprisingly never asked. You only knew his for obvious reasons. You became a popular YouTuber in your country and even got an offer to sign with a company to release your own album.

It was a great achievement for you and Hobi, who felt proud of you and of himself for having had the power to change someone's life in such a positive way. Thanks to BTS, you'd learned about yourself as a teen and as a young adult, thanks to Hobi, you had got to follow your dreams.

 Thanks to BTS, you'd learned about yourself as a teen and as a young adult, thanks to Hobi, you had got to follow your dreams

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First non-romantic scenario, I believe! What do you think?

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