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"Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles!"

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"Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles!"

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INDIANA FOLLOWS THE two juniors, who both happen to be her brother and their best friend, over to where the lacrosse field is located near the school building. To the girl, it's nice to finally get the chance to watch the pair in their practices at school, not just attending the games with parents. Aside from that, Scott currently keeps stressing about his position on the team and whether or not he will remain captain of the team. Stiles attempts to reassure him.

"Coach would be one hell of an idiot if he didn't assign you as captain again." Indiana states, kicking a stone she spotted on the ground.

"Exactly." Stiles agrees, pausing. "Did you tell Argent yet?"

"I texted him but he didn't get back to me." Scott replies.

"You told him his sister, Kate, came back from the dead over a text?" Stiles questions, raising a brow. "Imagine if someone freaking texted you saying Indi was dead!"

"I wouldn't let her die though and I know you wouldn't either." Scott replies.

"Awh, thanks guys." Indiana comments, nudging their arms jokingly since she's in between them both.

"Plus, I didn't have the money to call France." Scott finishes.

Stiles sighs. "Yeah, you think you got money problems? Try paying for an MRI and a visit to Eichen House."

"Another notice?" Indiana questions.

"Yeah, this one said 'final'." Stiles replies. "Now, what the hell are we even doing here anyway? We got like 117 million problems and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team is not one of them."

A guilty feeling swirls in Indiana's stomach as she simply listens to Stiles talk about his financial issues but brush it off as if it's nothing. Brown eyes drift to the lacrosse field to stop herself from continuing on with the topic of conversation. That's when her gaze then falls onto someone in particular; a boy that is currently playing as goal keeper. A line of players are standing in front of where he is, each of them taking it in turns to throw lacrosse balls with the intention to land it in the net. However, they all fail to do so because he appears to catch them all with ease.

"It is now." Indiana states.

"Who the hell is that?" Stiles ask after following her gaze.

The boy playing as goal keeper then takes his helmet off. Messy blond hair and striking blue eyes are now revealed to those that are paying attention. A small smirk is worn on his face, tugging at the corner of his lips. He then proceeds to walk forwards to one of the players in particular while allowing his lacrosse stick to swing in his hold. It appears that the boy is very passionate at the sport, and that's shown through his new grin and how he's helping the others with pride.

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