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"I'm an atheist

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"I'm an atheist. Fire at will."

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

THE SENIORS ARE currently in the bunker working on trying to get their memories of Stiles back by using a machine that will bring their temperatures low. And because of this, Indiana wasn't allowed to go with them due to the dangers she can be put in. Instead, she finds herself at the sheriffs station with Liam and Stilinski.

"Look, I'm not saying you have to like him. I'm just saying maybe he can help us." Liam tells the adult.

"I'll consider asking Theo for help when I don't have a station full of armed deputies to back me up." Stilinski replies.

The man opens the door to reveal everything trashed the way that the two teenagers left it when Mason and Hayden were taken, only meaning that the deputies were too at some point.

"Any available units, this is Sheriff Stilinski. Do you copy?" The adult says into the radio, receiving no response. "I repeat, any and all units, this is Sheriff Stilinski. Respond immediately with your 20. All units—"

"They're gone." Liam interrupts.

"Th- That's not possible." Stilinski stutters. "They couldn't have taken everyone."

"They didn't." A voice speaks up, the three turning to face Theo.

"Oh, this has to be a joke. Everyone is gone except him?" Indiana comments.

"It's nice to see you too, Indiana." Theo replies, turning to the adult. "Please tell me you brought the key card."

"I also brought my gun." Stilinski informs.

"And your sense of humour. That is fantastic." Theo sarcastically replies. "If we're the only ones left in Beacon Hills then we need each other. And that mean you need me out of this cell."

"We need to trust you." Liam states.

"Then you need to get realistic because trust is not important right now." Theo fires back. "It is us against them, and you want a lot more of us considering how many of them there are."

"I hate to say he's right but he's kind of right." Liam agrees.

"If I let you out and I see any behaviour that I find remotely suspicious, I'll put so many bullets in your head that God won't even recognise you." Stilinski threatens.

Theo smirks. "I'm an atheist. Fire at will."

Stilinski pulls out the key card, hesitating on his decision as he stares down down at the card reader. Theo begins growing frustrated, literally explaining how it works to him in a desperate plea to get out.

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