37 | said the spider to the fly

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"Do you think it's a wolf-wolf or a werewolf?"

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"Do you think it's a wolf-wolf or a werewolf?"

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INDIANA STANDS IN the locker room with the four boys in the same grade as her, who she'd also call her best friends as well. She's only in the room because Corey dragged her inside after Liam started complaining and attempting to miss practice.

"I can't handle this." Liam mumbles.

"Yes, you can. You've handled so much worse than this." Indiana states.

"Yeah, you're practically the alpha now." Mason adds.

"I'm not." Liam replies as the two boys start helping him with his gear.

"Okay, Scott says that Coach is losing it." Indiana informs, looking up from the text her brother sent her.

"Scott's going to college too." Liam blurts out.

"Going to college is not leaving, okay? It's called growing up and we're all gonna be going to different colleges eventually."
Mason tells him.

"I thought we were both going to UCLA?" Corey says while Mason vigorously does hand motions for him to be quiet.

"You guys are going to the same college?" Liam questions.

"That is not the point." Mason replies.

"Look, I don't like the fact that Scott and the others are leaving too since I've been by their side for the past two years or so. We'll be okay." Indiana says, crouching down in front of her boyfriend.

"I—" Liam begins.

"No, don't say anything else that will may you upset." Indiana interrupts. "Look, you're still captain of the lacrosse team so you need to get out there right now."

The brunette leans down and gives him a chaste kiss. She then grabs ahold of both his hands and hauls him to his feet where the boys help drag him out of the locker room.

"Coach is making Diaz captain." Indiana informs, reading a text from her brother off of her phone. "Liam, you have to get out there."

The three hurry the boy out onto the field, Liam managing to get there just in time to save an incredible goal. A smile spreads across Indiana's face as she watches him again play the sport, noticing Scott and Coach standing beside her.

"Now that's how you play lacrosse, McCall! Who is that kid? He's spectacular." Coach says.

"Coach, that's Liam." Scott replies.

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