28 | memory lost

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"Uh, perfect! Looks brand new

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"Uh, perfect! Looks brand new."

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

INDIANA STANDS ON the side of the empty road with Liam right beside her, his car broken down to which they're trying to fix in order to get moving again.

"We should've taken Stiles' jeep." Indiana states. "He surprisingly offered it to us, probably because he trusts me."

"It's a new car." Liam reasons. "Plus, the jeep more much faults and possibilities of breaking down."

"What's the deal with old cars anyway? Yours would be new to someone like twenty years ago." Indiana jokes.

The brunette receives a mocked laugh in response, only for it to change into an actual smile at the sight of hers. He disappears around the back of the car before reappearing with a small frown.

"What?" Indiana questions.

"There's no jack." Liam informs.

Indiana lifts the car up with ease, motioning for him to grab the spare one. He ducks down to look at it before straightening up, shaking his head in response to inform her that there's no spare either. The girl just places the car back down.

"I know. Worst date ever." Liam says with a sigh as he walks over to her.

"We've had worse. Remember the double date Mason dragged us to?" Indiana says.

"How could I forget?" Liam replies, a laugh escaping his lips before he pauses. "I just want to give you a date that you can remember because it was good."

"I can remember one." Indiana replies, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"What one?" Liam asks, wrapping his arms around her waist as he looks down into her earthy brown eyes.

"The one where we first said 'I love you'." Indiana replies, smiling at the beautiful memory. "Yes, I'm considering that a date."

"Okay, yeah, that's our best one yet." Liam agrees.

Indiana smiles, leaning in and kissing his lips gently before pulling away at the sound of wheels rolling against concrete. The two turn around to see a car slowly rolling towards them before coming to a stop as it hits a nearby fence.

Furrowing their brows in confusion, the teenagers cautiously advance forwards towards the car to find out that there's no one in the drivers seat and the windshield is smashed in. All of a sudden, a small boy comes stumbling out of the car and panickedly grabs onto Indi.

YOUNG LOVE ☾ liam dunbarWhere stories live. Discover now