16 | lies of omision

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"Then I'll be sure to run you over with my brothers motorbike

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"Then I'll be sure to run you over with my brothers motorbike."

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SCOTT'S ASTHMA'S BACK. None of them know how, but it's just as bad as it used to be. Indiana's been worried about his wellbeing so she's made sure he keeps his inhaler on him at all times, also keeping a spare one in her bag. It kind of reminded the original trio (Indi, Stiles, and Scott) of the old days before they knew about the supernatural, especially because it's been five days and there's still no news on any chimeras or the Dread Doctors.

Stiles and Lydia have been taking frequent trips to Beacon Hills Preserve in aim to find the nemeton. This is only because the last thing they solved was that Parrish is the one taking the failed chimeras bodies. But no one has told Sheriff Stilinski or Deputy Parrish any of this, keeping it a secret for the time being.

Kira left during this time in order to go deal with controlling the fox within her, having to have said goodbye to both Scott and her friends. Aside from that, the pack have all been kind of distant to one another, keeping their heads down and focusing on school like every other student in the school.

But to Indiana it feels like a huge difference because she's practically matured and grown with them by her side. Sure, they all continue to talk to her in order to keep her happy but it hasn't really done anything but she can see they're all stressing out about their own problems. This is why Indi's stayed beside either Liam or Mason, occasionally Hayden too in order to check up on her.

Speaking of Hayden, both her and Corey are doing okay. Neither of them seem to be showing any signs that they're failed chimeras, healing faster and getting stronger. Neither of them have sought the pack out to help them, it seeming as though they don't need it anyway because they're already managing to deal with their new abilities.

Indiana currently sits outside on a school bench, Liam seated opposite her with a packet of crisps in his hands. The girl only grins before leaning over and snatching some for herself, popping it into her mouth while he simply glares at her.

"Pig." Liam comments.

"Wow, so hurtful." Indiana jokes after playfully gasping at him.

Liam just smiles over at her, blue eyes meeting brown as a comfortable silence falls over them. They simply stare into one another's eyes for a moment, almost like they are in a trance. Indi swallows a nervous lump in her throat, getting deja vu from when she was at Liam's house a week or so ago.

All of a sudden, their attention is reluctantly pulled away from each other as Hayden comes running over to the table they sit at. Her hand is hovering over her nose with widened eyes, her heart pumping louder than usual with fear that the two werewolves instantly catch onto.

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