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"Do not kidnap her!"

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"Do not kidnap her!"

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

BORED AS ALWAYS, Indiana sits in class. They have Mr Douglas again so the majority of the class is paying attention since they still find him attractive. However, the sound of coughing is heard and makes her look at the front to see the male seeming as though he's choking on something.

"Just a little cough." Mr Douglas reassures the worried students. "Where were we? Right, now we have electricity and a little bit of power. Let's add a little more. After all, the greater the power, the greater the control."

The man turns the machine up again, more coughs coming out of his chest as his fist slams down against the table. He grabs his water bottle, taking a sip of it and calming himself down.

"Imagine how powerfully this rod could become with boundless electricity." Mr Douglas continues. "Say, from a lightning bolt? What else could we control?"

The teacher turns the dial on the machine up one more, the silver balls spinning faster than ever in the bowl. But yet again, more coughs slip out of his mouth. He swiftly excuses himself, walking into the nearby office and closing the door shut. As soon as he does this, the coughs only appear more louder and fierce.

Indiana and Liam exchange glances before the blond boy rises to his feet, making his way over to the closed door. His movements are slow as if something is going to jump out at him at any second.

"Mr Douglas?" Liam calls.

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

Hayden had informed Indiana about Gwen, a girl who's sister was on her soccer team, has seen a Ghost Rider due to Phoebe being taken by one. The new werewolf had apparently tried telling her the truth about the whole situation, only for it not to end well and come to Indi for a help.

"Stilinski said no, didn't he?" Malia asks as they stand beside the lockers.

"Yeah." Scott replies.

"But we're going anyway?" Malia asks.

"Yeah." Scott repeats.

"Or you could stay here and help me convince Gwen she's in danger." Liam suggests.

"It's not your job to convince her, it's your job to keep her safe." Scott informs.

"Just kidnap her." Malia says.

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