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"That was the only part of the plan that I liked

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"That was the only part of the plan that I liked."

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

INDIANA HIDES BEHIND one of the many tall bookshelves in the school library with Liam, mainly to avoid the stares of the students attending the school or to decrease the risk of someone trying to attack them. However, the stares have now been changed to Nolan as the boy walks through the heavy doors of the library, pausing slightly at everyone's gazes on him. This only makes him pull the sleeves of his long shirt over his shaky hands due to the feeling of being uncomfortable, wanting nothing more than to run away and hide.

"Doesn't feel good, does it?" Indiana speaks up.

The boy glances to his left to see the two werewolves standing there, letting out a small relief to see that they're already at the location he asked to talk to them at. Without acting too suspicious on what he's trying to do, he enters the same aisle where Indiana and Liam stand.

"You know why they're looking at you like that?" Liam questions.

"They're afraid of me?" Nolan replies, coming out as more of a question.

"They're afraid of what you're gonna day and who you're gonna say it to. Nobody trusts you anymore." Liam informs.

"Then why are you here? How come you texted me back?" Nolan asks.

"'Cause maybe this time I'll kick your ass." Liam fires back, taking a threatening step forwards.

"Hey." Indiana softly says, grabbing his wrist gently and pulling him back to prevent a fight from breaking out.

"I- I said I was going to help." Nolan reminds, stuttering slightly from slight fear. "I can show you something that I know you're both gonna want to see."

"Where?" Indiana questions, curious.

"At the hospital." Nolan replies.

"Why don't you just tell us what it is?" Liam asks, growing desperate for straight answers so that they can know what they're getting themselves into.

"Because I have a plan." Nolan replies.

"You? You have a plan?" Liam questions, raising a brow at him as if in shock.

"Yeah, I do. I'm going to show you both what you need to see at the hospital. Then, Liam, you're gonna kick my ass so Miss Monroe thinks that you had to beat the information out of me." Nolan explains.

"Yeah, I'm good with that plan." Liam replies.

Indiana sighs. "Of course you are, it involves you getting to beat him up."

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

Nolan, with the help of Indiana since she knows the place like the back of her hand due to her mother being a nurse, sneaks the two supernaturals around the hospital where they enter through the back door that the workers only really use. Once they enter the building, the human has to quickly reach out, grabbing ahold of the two and pull them back behind a wall in order to avoid getting caught by those siding with the hunters.

"See that guy? He's with Monroe. He was there last night and got handed a gun like everyone else. That's why we didn't go through the front door." Nolan informs. "And you add that nurse there? She was standing right behind me. There's more than you guys think and they're not just hunters. It's anyone and everyone who's willing to pick up a gun."

"Sounds a lot like the deadpool just without the money." Indiana comments, her voice a whisper.

"Last night they were teaching them how to use the weapons, how to load clips, what to do if the gun jams." Nolan continues.

"Nurses?" Liam questions.

"Everyone." Mason corrects.

"This is what you wanted to show us? That people hate us? I could've figured this out on my own." Liam fires.

"It's not just that." Nolan replies. "Just come with me, okay?"

The couple glance at one another before agreeing, making their way through the pristine white hallways and doing their best not to attract attention. Nolan leads them around the building, taking them into one of the special units where three bodies lay on the beds with wires and oxygen masks on them.

"They brought them in yesterday." Nolan says.

"Who are they?" Liam asks.

"I- I don't know, but they brought them in last night." Nolan stutters, motioning over to a purple liquid bag. "Do you know what that is?"

"Wolfsbane." Indiana replies.

Liam pulls his phone out, contacting Mason to figure out what they should do with the three patients in the room with them. The boy just informs them not to do anything and that he and Corey are on the way to the hospital to help out.

"Okay, I'm going." Nolan says.

"What about your plan?" Liam asks, getting eager to beat the boy up.

"Nobody saw your come in with me, so I don't have to get my ass kicked." Nolan states.

"That was the only part of the plan that I liked." Liam comments.

"Just go, Nolan." Indiana instructs.

The boy gives her a small nod before exiting the hospital room, letting the door swing gently shut behind him. Liam turns around to face Indi, an eyebrow raising at her.

"What?" Indiana questions.

"You let him go." Liam states.

"Yeah, I did." Indiana replies. "You've had a chance to beat his ass more than once, I don't think you'll do it because you'll feel guilty afterwards. I mean, take when we were back at the zoo for example, you broke your hand to avoiding hurting him."

Liam sighs in response, Indiana just grinning over at him with pride that she read him well. She leans over, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

The two teenagers have been standing around waiting around for Corey and Mason to arrive like the said they would. But the sound of heavy footsteps from combat boots filling the marble hallways grab their attention, along with the electricity shutting off all at once.

The werewolves eyes shift from their natural eye colour to their golden yellow ones, allowing their eyesight to help them see better in the darkness.

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