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"It's a bad day for finding bodies

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"It's a bad day for finding bodies."

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

IN THE WAITING room of the hospital, Indiana can be seen curled up in her chair with tears rolling down her cheeks as her head rests against her older brothers shoulder. The two are currently waiting for the okay for them to go visit their mother in her hospital room. Lydia managed to shield the young girl from seeing the majority of the disaster despite her own injuries, Indiana not knowing how bad the bullet wound is but being able to listen to the surgery take a place.

"She's gonna be okay." The surgeon states.

The siblings look up at each other, a small smile on their faces to try reassure one another and just thankful that their mom is gonna survive this.

Eventually, the doctors allow them to visit where the two walk into the dim hospital room to find Melissa laying on the bed. The woman looks extremely weak, all colour drained from her face as a breathing tube is in her nose. There are multiple wires attached to her arms as well, her bed surrounded by machines.

"Hey, kids." Melissa weakly greets, reaching over and taking their hands gently. "Neither of you did this, okay? Don't blame yourself."

"But I'm responsible." Scott replies.

"You need to get some rest, Mom." Indiana states.

"I just... I just need to tell you." Melissa begins. "Don't run. You fight... I love you both."

The mothers eyes then flutter shut as the sedative kicks in and sends her to sleep like the doctors planned for it to. With tears rolling down the teenagers faces, they turn and wrap their arms around one another for comfort.

"She's gonna be okay." Scott whispers.

The two could've lost most people they care about tonight, their mothers injuries being the most severe, their father getting wounded too, and then Mason and Lydia. Only the two werewolves and the werecoyote managed to get out of the house with minor injuries from the glass.

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

Liam growls as he throws Gabe to the floor, his chest heaving up and down with anger. Gabe, on the other hand, is breathing heavily due to the fear racing through his body at the fact a werewolf is taking his rage out on him.

"I don't know anything, I swear!" Gabe exclaims. "I don't know what happened to Indiana's house."

"Did you know who was there? Did you know Indi and Mason was in there? Her parents? Lydia?" Liam continues, yanking the boy back up to his feet.

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