21 | the sword and the spirit

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"Who's the old guy?"

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INDIANA STEPS OUT of the hospital elevator with her two brothers and Kira, her eyes instantly falling onto the the beds being wheeled into the morgue. Each one of them holds a body on it, one that is covered from head to toe by a single black sheet.

As the young girl sharply inhales a breath at the sight of just how many there are, Stiles wraps his arm loosely around her shoulder. He gives her a little squeeze in hopes to comfort her slightly.

"Who found them?" Scott asks.

"Argent." Stilinski replies. "He said that he Doctors are down there. He also said that you guys might know what this thing is."

"We've got a theory." Indiana replies.

"A slightly terrifying one at that." Stiles adds.

"The ME said that victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels." Stilinski informs.

"What if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies?" Scott suggests.

"Why would they do that?" Kira asks, furrowing her brows slightly at the suggestion.

"Maybe they're covering for it. Protecting it like a parent would." Stiles replies.

"Protecting what?" Stilinski questions.

"A werewolf." Scott replies, no hesitation in his voice as he decides to tell the truth to receive the help they can get.

"It's called the Beast." Kira states, making the adults eyes widen at just the sound of its name.

"I know, terrifying, right?" Indiana comments.

"Well, we better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish." Stilinski says.

"What do you mean?" Indiana asks.

"It looks like his dream is coming true." Stilinski replies.

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Indiana walks through the school hallways with her bag slung over one shoulder, Liam right beside her. She notices that today is a much different day; the halls are more crowded and deputies are roaming the halls while armed with weapons. Gossip can be heard amongst the teenagers, radios going off as the deputies communicate to one another, and black boots stomping against the marble floors.

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