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"You can't get rid of me that easily, Dunbar

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"You can't get rid of me that easily, Dunbar."

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

INDIANA'S GAZE STAYS locked on Hayden, watching the girl lay still on the metal table while continuing to be poked and prodded at by the Dread Doctors. Indi's hand stays intertwined in Liam's, gripping his tightly as her heart pounds against her ribcage.

"Her condition worsens." A Dread Doctor says.

"Stop hurting her!" Indiana exclaims.

Liam's eyes glow golden yellow as a roar escapes his mouth, trying to rise to his feet to attack. However, the blond is only stopped as Indiana tugs at his hand and pulls him down once again to avoid him possibly getting hurt. But at these actions, the brunette groans loudly in pain due to the large tube sticking out of her forearm still.

The Dread Doctors pay no attention to the two werewolves still laying flat on the hard ground. Instead, they pick Hayden up from the table they were experimenting on her from before throwing her to the ground beside Indiana. The chimera only cries out in agony, clutching her side where black blood seeps out of her stomach.

"Give me your hand." Indiana instructs.

The brunette slides her hand out of the boys grip before reaching out and taking Hayden's. Indi closes her brown eyes, focusing on trying to take away the pain Hayden is currently feeling. Black begins to fill her veins, Liam watching carefully as the werewolf begins shift uncomfortably from the pain.

"Indi, stop." Liam instructs.

The girl doesn't listen to him at first, Liam having to physically reach forwards and pull Indiana away. Indi sharply inhales as her hand slips from Hayden's, the pain dissolving into her body while her back leans against Liam's chest.

"Thank you." Hayden says.

"Anytime." Indiana replies.

"Why are they doing this to us?" Hayden asks.

"I don't know." Liam admits.

"Scott or someone will find us. I'm sure of it." Indiana reassures, glancing down at the tubes. "Do you think we can try get this tube out of our arms?"

Hayden nods in response, leaning over to Liam since Indiana told her to help him first. She begins tugging at the tube, Liam groaning loudly in pain while gripping Indiana's hand tightly. After a couple of seconds, the golden metal is shown as the tube fully leaves his body and continues to have black liquid flowing out of it.

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