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"Okay, I'm not leaving but I still might faint

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"Okay, I'm not leaving but I still might faint."

✦ ·  ·  ·  · ──────────── ·  ·  ·  · ✦

INDIANA HURRIES THROUGH the animal clinic with Scott and Liam hot at her heel with a barely conscious Dread Doctor in their grip. The three of us turn the corner to find Stiles and Deaton standing in the room having a conversation, their eyes widening slightly at the sight of the Dread Doctor in the hands of the werewolves.

"He's still alive." Scott states.

"Put him on the table." Deaton instructs.

The two listen to the adult, swiftly placing him down onto the metal table. Everyone automatically crowds around him, Deaton beginning to help out.

"Can you keep him alive?" Scott asks.

"I'm not sure he technically is alive." Deaton replies.

"Screw keeping him alive." Liam speaks up. "How do we get him to talk?"

"Personally, I don't think we utilise torture nearly enough." Stiles comments, receiving a look from Scott.

"Come." A voice suddenly says, causing the werewolves to look up immediately.

"Did you guys hear that?" Indiana asks.

"Come to me." The voice repeats.

All of a sudden, the Dread Doctor shoots up into sitting position and an extremely high-pitched noise emits from it and bounces off of the walls of the animal clinic. Everyone in the room covers their ears, small groans leaving their mouths as the noise rings in their ears.

The Dread Doctor stands up, stopping its heavy boots down onto the marble floor and beginning to stomp its way towards the exit. As it's doing this, everything begins to shake within the room as if there's some sort of earthquake.

Liam runs forwards to try prevent the Doctor from escaping and actually giving them a chance to find out information, only to be thrown backwards by a sudden jet of blue light. His body flies backwards, colliding against the furthest brick wall before he falls to the ground with a grunt. Indiana drops down beside him, placing a hand on his bicep as her eyes stay locked on the Dread Doctor to make sure nothing else happen.

The doors to the exit suddenly slam shut, the building shaking for the final time as the sound of bulbs shattering are heard from outside where bursts of light can be seen from the window. Anything metal within the room suddenly soars through the air and collided with the closed doors, keeping the teenagers and the adult inside against their will.

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