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"Indi, shush, you're gonna make me laugh again!"

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"Indi, shush, you're gonna make me laugh again!"

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THE POLICE STATION is crowded by Indiana and her friends — particularly the sheriffs office in order to talk to the adult privately about what's going on. They currently have two werewolves locked up in the holding cell, Indi having no idea who the hell they are but agreeing to help them.

"I'm not letting them out." Sheriff Stilinski refuses. "We've got two bodies covered in slash marks. They confessed to killing two people."

"Hunters." Scott insists.

"People." Stilinski corrects. "Self-defence or not, they're still here and the other guys are dead. There's a process I have to follow."

"Yeah. but you know what's happening around here. It's not safe for them." Scott states.

"This may actually be the safest place for them in Beacon Hills. At least I can protect them here." Stilinski informs.

"Would Stiles think that? Especially if one of your deputies is working for Gerard?" Lydia questions.

"I'm not buying that." Stilinski replies. "I know these deputies like the back of my hand. I know their families, their kids, their siblings. I know who they are and I trust them."

"You know who they were." Indiana corrects. "People change, especially when they find out there's a drastic change in the world they live in. There's something out there and everyone's afraid, but it's only getting worse."

"You can't protect two werewolves from hunters if they're already on the inside." Scott states.

"It's Quinn, right?" Stilinski asks, glancing over to the girl in the corner of the room. "Are you absolutely and 100% sure that it was a deputy who shot you?

"Yeah, I'm sure." Quinn replies. "I saw flashing lights, a police car. I saw a badge, a gun, and then they shot me in the head. That's all that I remember."

"There are a couple holes in her story." Stilinski tells the others.

"Maybe because there's a hole in her head." Lydia comments.

Indiana and Malia burst out laughing at Lydia's words, not even bothering to hold back the fact that they find it funny. However, this only makes the others in the room stare at them with a brow raised.

"I'm sorry." Malia apologises, clearly not meaning it and causing the young girl to laugh again. "Indi, shush, you're gonna make me laugh again!"

"Sheriff, we need to get Jiang and Tierney out of here before anyone realises that they're here." Scott says, returning back to the crucial topic.

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